Chapter 21

"Oh, I'll remember that, but I can't take care of this cheghool, I had a phoenix and had to give it to Daniel."

Cera surprised and said "What? Are you kidding? Why didn't you take it with you?"

"Yes, I found it; I wasn't sure about here to be a safe place, so I gave it to Daniel."

"You are so chatty," Suran said.

"You waste all your breaths for talking; it's our second turns," Jay said

"Wow, second, how is this possible?" Taeyan said….


The time for swimming arrived. He had to learn to hold his breath for around 30 minutes, but he got succeed for five minutes while it was so simple for the others, they came out of the lake. The oak trees' leaves got yellow beside that ebonies and.. were felling off and dressing the nude soil. Colors were melting to each other on a big canvas.

"here is so beautiful, but the water is getting colder," Taeyan said

"I'm so glad that you joined us, you brought more joy, already we were so bored," Daria said thankfully.

Cera nodded back "he is absolutely right, you are the only one who was interested in becoming a part of our team, everybody afraid of rules, and no one cares about us."

Taeyan stretched his legs out, "Thank you, you are the best friends of mine ever, you are the family though, already I had some friends at school, but we weren't that much close, and about Jimmy, he was always in the space, but a good friend"

"Do you think he defected drugs and got back to his family?" Daria asked

He already told them about all his stories, Jimmy, spending times in Atendor's library, the Bar, the pirates, the children he worked with the wizard info book, the potions, Ferssi's…

"I don't know, but that night his eyes said that he is serious about the decision he makes, I never noticed why he became addicted and ever asked, maybe it was personal reasons," turned to thoughtful Cera and said, "what are you thinking about Cera?"

"Something else involved my mind; do you remember you said Jay and Kai look familiar to you?" Cera asked with an X-ray gaze.

"Yes, I remember, I'm assured they were them, but they ignored it," Taeyan said.

"Yes, I think so, I believe that they are going there sometimes," Cera said.

"But we are dreaming it, what a destiny" Daria puffed.

It's been a long time that Cera was looking for a way to go to the earth and see the man's world, but without a license. It wasn't possible, But now with Taeyan everything had been changed to another direction, and must find a good opportunity to take a big step out of the way; learn about the secrets beyond the boundaries of elves' world. If there was a fear they must face it. He never convinced why their ancestors spirited the boundaries between the world and hidden; he believed that issue made the red devils stronger than before.

He has thought that age was bigger and right, but those days were not the right time for three teenagers to get involved with demons, they were not still ready for an unexpected thing out there. The dark monsters were looking for the elves to kill them, and they had no idea that dark evil monsters had got awaken and planning for a big war while everyone had fallen asleep in the negligence.


Winter whistled and seized all over the Farya. The ruby lake froze out of the cold. Winter roughly began. Moreover, the first prince of Farya took his pupils there give them some lessons. The spectators were watching them. Jay and Kai noticed the crowd and guessed that Suran is there. As they approached discovered the battle between two brothers. Suran fought like he is against an enemy, there was no mercy in his moves. His sword swirled as wraiths move in graves, cold and dreadful. Taeyan couldn't abide by those heavy swats; fell on his knees, but still resisting.

On the other side, Cera and Daria were fighting, but no one even cared!

"Suran goes too far, he mustn't put him under pressure among all these eyes". Jay murmured beside his brother.

"Let them see they are becoming ready to protect our clan"

"What about Taeyan's pride?"

"Don't worry from now on he will receive more glory, that's a part of Suran's plan".

The slithered as Taeyan's sword scratched it. He couldn't overcome Suran, but he wouldn't lose that easy. Fisted the shattered ice and dusted Suran's face.

He retreated and Taeyan got the chance to get up, "that's right don't give up and ever allow a sword to get near your vein" Suran cried out each word as loud as he could then added.

"Now make me a bit tired".

Taeyan gained the chance to think about how to win this, people were watching and hated that. He looked around the east part of the lake was thin; he could use that, then turned to that side and attacked his brother. The ice clenched, about to crackle. His intention clarified to Suran. Sneered then said, "you are ashamed they're witnesses so don't let them see your weakness, fight to survive not to be away from laughter."

"I'm not going to let them mock at me".

The ice broke underneath and fell off to the cold water, Suran moved to take him, but it was too late. He went down and the ice-locked the way up.

Daria and Cera stopped battling and ran to them. Suran started hitting the ice. It broke to pieces. Jay and Kai discovered that the state is serious not a part of the plan. Appeared there, and took out the pieces.

"Taeyan hang on, keep swimming". His voice trembled and all his body trembled, blaming himself to bring his brother in such a case.

The water was cold and Taeyan couldn't resist more. His chest got as heavy as stone, his body got like a stick. He drowned down as all voices faded away.

As the way was open Suran dived in, he reached a hand grabbed his hand.


The cold days passed the way and were replaced with the green and cool spring. Colorful blooms slowly are borning and Farya was on beautiful days that could ever be. In winter Suran had to drill them in the frozen weather, he would push them to swim in the cold and frozen water, after that accident to Taeyan he tent to train them much better, pushed them kept forcing them to fight in the lake's ice to keep their balance. First days Taeyan couldn't keep controlling, slope on the ice, and felt the sharpness of Suran's blade on his neck. You couldn't count how many times it happened, the sounds of passersby who used to make fun of him forced him to fought and try more, never give up, and it increased his strength even after he is drawn into that water he insisted to practice there; day and night.

He would repeat some words again and again; "If you win, but show weakness against your foe; you are the looser", "an honorable death worth to live in devil's jail or give them what they want", "When you think everything ended, be sure it's just started, pain or happiness no matter which one."

Finally, he was ready for the school entrance exam; Master Honen picked down the papers on the chair. He had taken a deep breath and started answering the questions.

He came out of the room, his friends came to him and said, "By your happy face, the exam was perfect," Daria said happily.

Sarya came forward hugged him and said "My smart Taeyan well-done! Now go, your father is waiting for you."

Sarya walked to the class to meet Master Honen the manager of the school, "lady Sarya as you said we chose the hardest parts, and here is the result of the IQ test, our prince is very smart". He passed the paper to her and she said "136 out of 140, thank you, Mater Honen".


The king was walking in the garden beside the small waterfall and his hand kinky on the backward. looking at the flowers and the baby blossoms; he saw Tayan is happy so realized that the test went well. "Oh my son you are here, come join me" he rests his hand on his son's shoulder, said "Look at these amazing flowers, they are going to be reborn again; I watched them last year at the exact moment, but you weren't here. we are the same as them, but the difference is that time running faster for them, but never diminish their mission, this is in their nature.

They know why they have created and when the right times come must leave, one day it will be replaced with another young flower, we all know our mission and it's nothing, but maturity, creating exploring, and loving. But still sometimes in the middle of the road we forget who we are and lose the right path, like walking in dark, the nights which there are no lights in the sky, never forget that you can be the light, that's a choice up to you, always there is another chance, even for the bad ones". then meanly smiled and said, "You understand me, aren't you?"

Taeyan was staring at flowers, carefully listening to him, "Yes, clearly, you meant that I could learn from the simple things and choose my decisions carefully, I just need to see life deeper without judging, and you are talking about truth room".

"That's true, please don't worry about tomorrow, the past is just lessons for the present, and the present is a lesson for the future days. Never should be forgotten, we can forgive sometimes, but the strongest one is the one who can stand by the fact and never fall into the aberration gap by anger, if your fury overcomes, you will be drawn into vacuum space and can't be rescued, an immortal straying in the infinity world with a mind full of questions, but left with no answers".

Taeyan was listening to those wise words, but it wasn't easy. The King was right, fire of grudge and revenge could push them to the same level of evils, he knew that his children after facing the truth might not be able to control their feelings and may spend their whole life in regret and shame.