Chapter 22

"I'll make my work as heaven's subtlety leaf,

As a lucid watercourse,

As imaginary's mount stamina

I'll make my destiny,

It is calling me

I'm attempting to the aim,

Dreams are calling me,

Love is calling me,

Says about leaving the loneliness,

I'll find what I desire,

I'll go to the other side of maturity's bridge,

I'll see the folks of this new age

It's been long, in this shadow of the night,

Such as an adrift from Ajam's mount,

I'm going apace after the mate,

I'm getting close to his sight,

But there is no attention from him,

Distance takes my hand,

Pulling me into his lands,

The fire of his eyes makes me agog,

I saw myself in the mirror of his eyes,

His agog soul melting my heart,

Love shouting out every second from his silence,

Burning me this silence."

"It was a meaningful poem, did you write it yourself?" Cera.

"Yes, the time I lost Adolf, I fell alone".

"We are sorry to hear that", Daria said.

"I'm fine now, life won't take it easy on us all the time, not a bed of roses and you know ups and downs for everyone".

His life changed to another state, Farya gave him something more than he could dream, but the dream of being in that hell and the chained lady, he couldn't remember her face after all still scares him.

"The first night of spending time here I had a dream, a really bad one that I couldn't forget".

"Let it go maybe it was your fear, don't allow it to beat you down," Cera said.

It was the fifth day of the week and a few days remaining for winter to leave with its last caterer. Spring was there ready to land in Farya. Everybody kept ready for the feast celebration. People were moving around happily, buying new clothes, designing the city and the houses.

Water was falling from floating islands and running into the rivers, the nightingales were singing, and the sky was full of beautiful butterflies army. Colorful Philomels were singing and playing around.

Cera woke up in the early morning and joined Sarya for going after Taeyan and pick him up from the castle. They went to the markets. In the past six months, Taeyan learned so much from them and now he was able to go everywhere without his brother's help. He could use the crystal necklace, at first he was in serious trouble, concentrating on a place he imagined most of the time went wrong that he thought he is all thumbs and got no talent.

They entered the first store. It was miss Marrel's clothes store. She saw Sarya opened her hands to the sides and hugged her "Oh, my lord, look who is here, my dear Sarya, I'm so glad to see you, I see you brought two handsome young men with you?"

Sarya smiled "Hello, my lovely Marrel, how is everything with you?"

Then she pointed to the boys and said "yes, I have decided to do some shopping with my nephews."

Marrel smiled and while looking at Taeyan said "I'm all right my darling, tell me how it's going on with you?" her eyes fixed on Taeyan, while words left her mouth.

"Thank you for your attention Marrel let me introduce you", she followed Marrel's greenish gaze and realized that she is so curious about Taeyan so put her hand on his shoulder and said, "This is Taeyan, that you heard about in previous days and I think you already know Cera."

Marrel knew him very well. She was one of those victims who couldn't be safe from Cera's troubles. She pulled down her eyeglasses and looked at him "Of course, I know him, everyone knows!" then she turned her face to Taeyan, got closer to his face he could feel her breath and didn't like she is staring at him like that, and considered that kind of rude, "Nice to see you, your majesty, you look like prince Suran".

She had a very uncommon talking gesture, moving her right hand around regularly and walking so fast while doing something.

"I'm glad to see you, Miss. Marrel," Taeyan said while had a warm smile on his face.

She sweetly smiled back at him and said "Oh son, please call me Marrel".

He nodded as her response, when she left he turned to Cera and punched him on the arm quietly, said, "I see you're so famous, no one can ignore your reputation, thus, what had you done to her? her eyes were bulging out after seeing you."

Cera tagged a hint of a smile then replied "unintentionally, and not purposely at all, I burnt the dress that she loved the most."

Marrel came back while had two pairs of uniform in her hands, "I'm very impressed with your design, it's stunning, I'm grateful that this year you lift the burden from my shoulders, alright kids take these clothes and try on,"

On the way of fitting, Cera said "Do you remember I told you Sarya is amazing, I'm sure it looks perfect."

They wore the clothes, quickly returned, everyone in the store was staring at them. Daria just arrived with his mother and said "Oh boy, you look so handsome, it suits you, seems they had made it only for you."

Sarya turned back and looked at them "Oh, hello master Maratha, happy to see you!", then smiled at Daria and said, "come on, try it, I'm sure it looks nice on you."

"Oh, I don't think gray is not my type!"

Maratha was surprised of seeing Sarya coming with the boys and said "Hi my beautiful angel, how are you? Long time no see! It's been around six months that we hadn't met; very honored to see you here today, I hope Daria didn't bother you during courses."

"Thank you; I'm fine, just being involved with the training and some other stuff, please accept my apology. Daria is a good boy, but I won't ignore that these three creatures bothered me! They got on my nerves most of the time."

"It's okay my darling, hopefully, it ended", she responded, turned to Taeyan, and said, "Hope everything worked well for you my son."

"Thank you, master, yes everything is moving forward very well because of their help, it became so simple and not boring anymore, even got so cool," said that while pointing to Cera and Daria.

"Of course except Suran's hard training it was horrible especially on the lake's ice, completely torture," Daria said.

Unlike of their imagination, Maratha smiled at that and said, "certainly he knows something that you don't, that's why he is training you that way, just to make sure you will keep your ass safe so be grateful Daria, It is much better, you kids trust him."

They looked at each other surprisingly then Daria said "how it can be possible, even my mother has his back. Everyone always agreed with him we need to find out about his secret, maybe one day in the future they will trust us." Shrugged.

Cera quietly said, "I'm giving them the right of not trusting us, think of how many laws we had broken since now," Daria surprisingly said, "not too much around twenty or maybe a little bit more."

Taeyan gaffes loudly and said, "you must be thankful that you are under twenty if not you were spending on your banishment now."

Daria asked his mother for permission to be with his friends, so she accepted.

As Shopping their shopping finished they went to the central library, a cylindrical building placed on a floating island on the top of the bazaar. the ivy of yellow flowers twisted all up the building and grew all around the very ancient structure which was hidden between the clouds. A magnificent view of those who love the library.

Their destination was on the ninth floor, and each one had so many corridors; there were leaders to guide visitors and readers, help them up for not being in trouble or lost.

All the houses and other buildings in Cemythra had ivies dangled all around, in spring the colorful flowers have been giving a heavenly and specific perspective to the city. Although the educational part of the castle was the most beautiful. From the east, you could see the mountains and amazing reliefs which were representing historical stories and traditional ceremonies. The giant waterfall that was running down now after the frozen winter.

They entered the library, and Taeyan said, "Wow, is the roof made of glass? Why didn't I come here before? Elegance,"

"That's not glass, it's a hard crystal," Sarya said while looking at the crowded stairs thoughtfully.

"So it doesn't break simply," Taeyan said, he wondered why this place is too good!

"No, it doesn't break ever, unless a heat higher than the sun hitting it," Cera said.

"Boys, please stay here beside the fourth column," I'll come back after taking the books please don't make inconvenience," she said then left quickly.