Chapter 23

They sat on the bench beside the columns with caryatids design, between the columns. The smell of spring already is spreading in the air, flowers, green grass scent. There was a sculpture of a man who was carrying a book; there were some cubes around him.

"Whom this statue belongs to?" Taeyan asked while he was peering at the sculpture.

"The person who established this library 3000 years ago, he was master Halles," Daria said proudly.

"Wow, he was a pure genius, incredible, here at night with the moons and the star's light, will make a fantastic view," Taeyan said

"Yes, but coming here without permission had very bad consequences for us, but you are right, it worth it," Daria said.

Cera was looking at a group of students and said "Yes, we had to clean the school's library for a week" and suddenly pointed to the part which so many boys and girls gathered, making noises and said, "Hey look over there, Gram's brothers."

Taeyan looked at the same side he was staring at and said "who are they? I haven't seen them before! Why those guys locked their way, it seems they are so popular."

"Those two with gray hair are the nerds; they're begging them for the final exams, asking for cheating and other stuff. Their popularity made them arrogant and selfish; it never occurred to those fools that they are abusing them, they've gotten nuts in their heads," Cera said.

"Fools" Daria added.

"That's funny, why don't they study themselves, it takes less time than begging to these guys, the time that they are devoting for the cheating can be enough for studying, what is this all about!" Taeyan said.

Cera started laughing and said, "oh I forgot you are one of those boring nerds, an absolute book worm here we got, but I say they can read and also cheat like me and Daria". Then tapped on Daria's shoulder and said "do you agree with me, brother?" he nodded his head.

Taeyan puffed at that and said "Come on I'm not a nerd. I just like to learn things, that's not bad."

"No, it's not, you are perfect," Cera said.

"Well, tell me about the boy that you were involved with, I don't remember his name," Taeyan said.

"It seems he is not here today!" Daria said while he was searching around by his eyes.

"He is Lario, I have no problem with him, but he has," Cera said seriously.

"So what's his problem with you?" Taeyan asked.

"He is from the western nations, Lardona the element of their existence made by fire. They have some of the devil's attributes, he is the son of Dayato, the west minister. He likes to humiliate Daria, stalking us and report all we do and dragging us into serious troubles", Cera said all of that because he was mad at Lario, but deeply he knew that so many of them are kind and gentle people.

"You are so mad at him," Taeyan said when his head was down, he hesitated for a moment and said, "Cera, I'm stressed out for tomorrow."

"I wish I could come with you, it must be so exciting, they do this only on special occasions, please tell us everything about that," he said.

"Watching the day that my mother passed away isn't easy, the worse is talking about it, never count on me on this subject, you can ask Sarya, by the way, if she got killed… I… I can't bear that", Taeyan said quietly while biting words.

"We will be out there waiting for you; we can't stay at home," Daria said.

"What are you going to ask me?" Sarya asked while she was standing behind them with some books in her hands.

"Oh, you are here! You got back so fast; I thought it would take you a long time," Taeyan said.

"Yes I thought the same, but eventually the leaders helped me a lot today, that's the reason everything worked out quickly, alright boys, let's go to the instrument store,"

"Why there? Shouldn't we get back now?" Taeyan asked.

"We need to buy a reed for you, are you busy?" she asked.

"Wow amazing, of course, I'm not busy," Taeyan said happily then looked at the first book and again said "what? Anthropology? Should I learn that?"

"Yes, for the rate, but there will be some histories that you may be interested in. By the way, you can help your master,"

They arrived at the instrument store, there were no customers in there, and Sarya asked Mr. Marinow to bring him the best reeds. He left and brought some white boxes after a while. There were a lot of reeds which made deciding so tricky, for a few moments left. He was still confused, but suddenly Suran and Cera's brothers came inside the store.

Suran stood near him greeting and said, "I see you got here early, did you make a decision?"

"Oh my lord, it's been around twenty minutes that he is choosing, it's killing me," Cera said.

Daria was yawning when he said "please excuse me, I feel sleepy, I just need someone to save me", then located his head on Cera's shoulder and murmured, "let me catch some z's on your shoulder, buddy till we get out of here."

Taeyan was laughing at those jeers and said "I don't know what to do, I'm confused. I narrowed down to these three reeds."

"Do you need any help?" Jay said while a smile tugged at the corner of his lips.

"Oh, come on," Cera said.

"What do you mean? Everyone knows that I have good taste, I just wanted to help." Jay said gesturing upset.

"Never mind boys, Suran! You help him", Kai said.

"Choose the white one, the one with Phoenix relief on it", Suran handed it to him.

"Yes, I like it so much, it reminds me of Angel, thank you," Taeyan said.

Sarya smiled and said "all right, the problem solved, I got drained today."

Jay faintly amused and said, "Don't tell me that girls get tired of shopping, it's the strangest thing I've ever heard in my whole life. At least those that I know aren't the same."

Cera punched his arm and said "I agree with you. It's the first time in your life that you said something right, and who are those girls?"

"Oh you two, girls also get tired especially spending times with three naughty boys that I have to tell them, don't touch … stay here…." She was taunting them.

"We're curious, is that bad?" Cera said.

"No, that's fine. I'm done talking, I can't keep up to this conversation, come on! Let's head back", she opened her hand widen her shoulder and shook his head as a sign of surrender.

After the shopping was done, they got separated, and everyone left for their homes, Cera asked for his mother's permission to stay with Taeyan during the school period to help him.

They arrived at the castle. Suran could see he is too nervous, so turned his face to him, gripped his arms, smiled, and while their eyes met said, "Please don't be afraid, erase all the worries from your mind. There's no reason to be this much agog, everything will be clear soon."

"Ok, thank you, I feel better now, Cera tells me why only 30,000 elves remained?" Taeyan said calmly.

"It's a long story, once upon a time we were living on earth, but a big war spoiled our kind. We don't have enough information from that time, but even after thousands of years elves birth is getting slower".

"Our kind is about to fall, am I wrong?"

"No, you're right".

The night came over along, but the dark was singing about secrets, hidden things and made everyone feel mysterious. Was it happy for all those secrets or not? Did it intend to hurt people or just were a victim of Abalis? The father of demons, perhaps, one day it was a light, but he diddled it, and it's waiting for someone to rescue it from all those painful secrets, the dark shadows were hidden in the night and we're watching invisibly. The night is a mysterious hidden creature itself.

After finishing dinner, they went to their rooms. Cera was sitting on the edge of the window when he said, "Hey Taeyan, this Chegool is very cute, it's been months, but he is still watching over you, he could have left after seeing your cold shoulder, but it's still waiting. Give it a name."

"Call it goofy, let it go, I can't take care of it. Now tell me about your plan, when are we going to magician's Forest?" Taeyan asked while sitting at the table and opened a book.

Cera was looking at the sky and the full moon, "Ah, you're so cruel to this poor goofy! Tomorrow is the day. After coming back from the truth room, we will talk about it." he said.