Chapter 24

No one can predict what's going to happen in the future, the king was looking for documents. Each small or simple case could give him an excuse to convince the courtiers that Abalis is back, but not now, many years ago. He believed that humans' current situation was a part of his plan. So he could take significant steps for his schemes. He intended to open the gates for the men, but before it, he must release himself from all doubts. He was thinking about the permeated demon's spy, he must destroy the seeds of treachery because it could cause the worst outcomes.

Farya is apparently in peace, but things seemed to be different under the skin, something else was happening deep down. No one, but the King and other officials didn't know about it, the boundary of the sky was shaken up, and even the galaxy guards were bustling even more than before, the creatures needed to help each other. Although the king had to wait until he gathers some proof to convince his ministers. They wouldn't believe that Red devils are behind the scene and using magicians as their shield.

The next morning Taeyan was getting dressed. His fingers trembled and didn't allow him to close the neck button. Puffed and closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and whispered "I'm not ready for this, but I hope everything works well." He was afraid if it is about the strangers he met on earth. The unknown people who were getting along with humans dynasties.

"I feel they have allied here, if that's true and they killed my mother I don't think if I can keep my promise to the king," murmured, his eyes glittered then closed the button.

Cera was outside the room waiting for him and when he turned out said, "just calm down".

Right after, they left quickly and the golden bloomy dust remained sparkling.

Sarya was standing in the garden, the first thing that Taeyan asked was about his brother, "Sarya! Where is my brother? He said, he will be there, I have bad feelings, I need to talk to him",

Sarya smiled and hugged him, "my lovely Taeyan, please don't worry, he went earlier, he must welcome the ministers as the crown prince."

"Oh I forgot about the necessaries"

Cera pointed out to Daria and said, "Please stay relax, we will be here for you."

Taeyan and Sarya left and walked behind the castle. In the heart of the mountain, there was a big metallic door with a relief of a lion. She knocked on the door three times. It made some noises and then opened. They went down the very long and helix stairs. Passing each rake carefully even though, yellow light crystals connected the way clear.

They entered the hall, there were so many locked rooms, each door had a different sign, and their destination was made of a lucid glossy silver door which had no lock or lever on it, and completely flat.

Taeyan could've seen himself as if watching a mirror and thought, "how is this possible, how can they see the past!?"

He gulped a deep breath and said, "Now how can we go inside?"

She stood across the door and said, "Tell the truth release the fear."

Suddenly the metallic door changed into a thin silky curtain, she said: "now we can enter inside."

After they signed into the room, the door turned to the first pose. All ministers of five regions were present, the assigned men from each clan sitting around a circular stone table. In the middle of it, a relief of a dragon could steal everybody's attention. Suran was wearing a vestment unlike other times, he seemed even more serious.

The room's atmosphere was so oppressively heavy. Before everything was warm, but now he met the other officials. He knew that some of them may not be interested in him. Their glances were very suspicious like they were looking for something to put fingers on.

The King stood up and took one step to him.

"Welcome my son", he stepped behind him, placed his hand on his shoulder, and asked him to have a sit on the chair beside him, then walked back to his seat.

North minister, Master Raha, said, "I'm glad to see you prince Taeyan. Welcome back to your birthplace".

He was a man with white skin, the light blue color shades showing on his kind face, and he seemed to be a lovely person.

Minister of the east Master Darisan smiled warmly and said, "Welcome to Farya."

West minister, Master Dayato, except the others didn't have a happy face, he looked earnest and proud, sullenly with a tagged sneer on his face said, "You looked just like your brother." The minister of the south, master Bayan who welcomed him the last, and then the guard of the hall who was an old man with long white hair asked, "Masters if you allow me, I'll bring out the crystal."

The King confirmed his words then Lavrone went to the round stone handles on the wall and started trolling the three of them.

The dragon on the table moved aside as he pulled the handles, and a stone cylinder came out moving on the rail across Taeyan, stood there, turned to pieces, and opened. A shiny green crystal emerged out of it. Grandstands stared at it. The useful, but scarcest treasure in the whole galaxy. There was only one of it, and also so many eyes after it, but it could only work for the elves and some of half bleeds of men and elves who were unseen for a long time, and there was no news about them. They are similar to the men, but most of them don't have elves' abilities. No one could recognize them since they inherited a might from their elven forbears.

The King glanced at Taeyan and said, "please set your hand on the stone and let it stay till I tell you, it's showing the truth only once, you are a part of that night so whatever you see, don't be afraid and don't take off your hand."

"All right," he was stressed out, his low toned enough to show it, and put his hand on the crystal, start thinking about his mother. The period that was hidden between his memories and he had no idea what is that, but the crystal could read them and bring them out.

A second later all of them were in a room in which a baby was sleeping, a person in a black hood cloak came to the room, and his mask didn't allow them to see his face. He brought the baby out of the cradle, he took the prince who was only two days old, left the chamber quickly. The queen was in the corridor. She saw the stranger who was going outdoor, hiding from guards. She followed him.

The stranger walked towards the Magician Forest, but suddenly the baby wept out, and the queen just realized that the thing in the stranger's hand is her newborn son. She intended to take his son back, but a red gate appeared between a ruined wall, broke the night, the black shadows flared out of it, the person entered inside, and before the gate gets closed, the queen entered and found herself in the man's world.

The weather was cold and severe, the stranger was walking fast, strode into the thin and dark lane and no crowd was there. Queen Taya couldn't believe her eyes, one of the red devils had a known symbol on his forehead, a full black moon and a dark star, elves knew that what it means, demons were gathering all their companions to turn the light to dark. The devil gave a bag to the hooded and grabbed the baby.

The stranger turned his face and glimpsed the queen then disappeared swiftly, the evil tried to escape, but Taya threw the silver dagger to him. Hopefully, she made it out and killed him in less than a second. The demon was only some ashes in the air. Before the baby fell, she held him. She tried to get out of the street but learned that some demons with the same symbols coming to them from the end of the avenue. She turned and left quickly, but it was too late, she couldn't transfer because they could catch her easily. They were getting closer more and more. There was no chance for her, suddenly her eyes caught the note on the wall, "Orphan house".

She knocked on the door, and a woman with a kind lovely face opened the door, Taeyan knew her very well, she gave the baby to Margaret and after a bitter smile left quickly. Margaret walked after her, she didn't see anyone there, but the baby saw, so she headed back to the orphanage, "what a beautiful baby".

The queen rolled up to a locked lane beside the orphanage for misleading the devils.

That day she went out of luck. In the end, the only thing that they saw was a light that directly soared up to the sky. It belonged to the broken golden rose necklace that the elves had found long ago, then everything fell off into the darkness.