Chapter 27

Unlike always it was too crowded even all the ministers still were there. Minister Maina was smoothly laid down in his armor. A deep sleep devoured him and made him lay on a stone bed.

The king approached Rita and said, "I'm sorry, please accept my condolence,"

Rita was looking at her husband and crying quietly, "he knew that this is a dangerous mission, but chose to do it, they must pay back all these butcheries and brutality by their lives" glanced at the king and sharply with a heart full of hatred said, "make sure they will vanish for eternity".

Cera was dried as stone, couldn't even take one step closer to his father he got lightheaded and immensely heavy, Jay and Kai were on their knees, Suran seemed to be angrier than before barely could suppress his fury.

After a few minutes, the king asked the presenters to follow the silence.

"Today is one of the hardest days of my life, a big nightmare became true, but I must announce that our war minister Maina was my best friend and family, we had a mission in man's world and had to search before any move, but sadly something unexpected happened for the team, he lost his life for saving his team members, he was brave, kind and strong, my lord grants him eternal peace".

Everyone left there, but Rita and Jay stood there. Took off the bloody arm-clothes and cleaned his body with the pure fountain's water, dressed him in white clothing.

Some of the soldiers and Roita came back inside with a coffin and took him to the farewell room which belonged to the funeral.

The song of the last goodbye and a newborn was playing in the reeds and harps.

The soldiers in combat suit were moving in a regular queue and putting flowers around him, then queued in three lines and with their sharp silver spears hit the ground seven times. Suran helped the brothers to say goodbye.

After the funeral Cera left the hall, Daria and Taeyan followed after him, when Sarya pointed at them with her eyes. There was a big heavy stone on his shoulder. They went to the fury gates and stood there for a few hours, but before sunrise, the spring clouds started raining and forced them to return to the castle.

In the early morning, the burial had done, according to the Farya's moral a sculpture with an information tablet in 5 feet must be made in forty days.

Cera didn't talk to anyone, his father was his hero, and couldn't believe that he is gone now ever, it was the hardest moment of his life that he couldn't bear readily.

In the new spring of Farya, there was no New Year celebration party. The universe was in the war and they couldn't be happy while all people fall into the sadness and dark.

Fear attached to many other questions and made elves minds busy, they expected a right explanation from the king. To them it meant war, but they wanted to know who they are battling with. The king had to prove to them all that they call myth. Although asking them to fight instead of hiding behind the boundaries and was the hardest issue.


-Five days later-

Suran was talking to Roita on the plains. The wind blew and their long hair flew. Certainly, he wanted to know about all the details, what was the mission? He believed that these filthy actions shouldn't be without response, if someone doesn't stop them, more innocents will be slaughtered.

"Please tell me what happened there?"

"We found some of the witches who were connected to the red demons, they hidden in the red maintains, but when we arrived there, they had sieged us, someone betrayed us, they had been informed about our mission, it was a confidential mission, but they were aware of it, they shot us and he sacrificed himself because of me, he gave me a piece of parchment and I gave it to the king."

Roita after the minister's murderer got dispirited and felt guilty, reminding the memories of that day was tough for him.

They were near Pethra mounts on earth. Their spy appeared there. "Sir I saw them entering under the temple, seems to hide or protecting something," the spy said.

"Did you find any gate?" minister Maina asked.

"No sir, but I heard that they are working on each suitable place".

As he passed the parchment to the minister, someone shoots him an arrow in the head, and the spy died.

Suran heard each world realized that as Taeyan said they are on earth and got allied, "only one other question then you can go, Tell me, who knew about the mission?"

"Only three of us, king Sayan and the clans' ministers".


Days fell to the mourning in Farya, weather in elves land were cloudy, but instead of rain, woe was falling by snow.

Suran, Jay, and Kai used to disappear after school, Cera was bored and had no excitement for study. He hadn't joked around or played with Denis.

Sarya used to practice more and focus on it, she would control her anger by infixing her sword into the straw targets, and nothing could be like the past. Every elf was getting ready for unexpected things that were on the way.

Taeyan was involved with the books which Daria gave him and used to read them over and over. He practiced on his archery ability, Suran after that day was showing him a cold shoulder and used to taking hard on training, every time new lessons were coming up and if he made a mistake then terrible punishments were the consequences.

Once his feet stuck to a stone and fell, then he made him carry casks to the cellar.

Daria used to read more books and achieve some more information about the mysterious legend of Taeyan and the Master of lights weapon, but every time he found a new closed door, never got disappointed and kept going.

He was aware that each closed door got a key. They had armies, but who were they? Certainly not humans only, but demons that they didn't know how to kill.