Chapter 28

"Rain of courage started raining,

The lost one was found and brought light.

In the land of beliefs, an awakening was started.

Rise and be conscious.

The beautiful soul, fly

Time is yours,

The beautiful butterfly, sing with me!

Moments belong to us.

Sing with me.

The wind playing the reed

To make us joy

Rain washed the pain

Dance with me in the rain

Call my name

Tell me about the history of the shining star", Taeyan left a poetry book aside and got ready for school.


The third month of the spring,

Chemistry Laboratory of Plants.

Taeyan and Cera were in the laboratory holding. A vial of purple lotion in Cera's hand, sloshing it. They did it without asking for permission and if they got stuck, there would be a serious punishment ahead of them. One from the manager master Honen. The solution was strongly forbidden and could have put them in serious trouble if they use it unwisely.

"Shake your leg, the master's coming. That apple polisher, Lario, is with him, too. If we get stuck, we'll be punished badly". Daria whispered standing behind the door watching the corridor.

"Let's go". Cera said and then they began to walk in the hallway when somebody from the back said, "What were you doing there? What are you holding in your hands?" Daria looked back and growled, "It's none of your business chickies."

Lario narrowed his eyes suspiciously and said, "Master! Look! There's something in Cera's hand." Without looking back Cera said, "Guys, Run!"

The three of them started running quickly and entered the library. Ms. Saro, the librarian, was taking a nap putting her head on the desk. Cera realized that they are close and escaping makes no sense at the moment, so he poured the solution into the glass that was on the desk and turned his face.

Getting himself fixed after a hard chasing, master Bayo, the provost said, "I asked you, what do you have?" He grasped up Cera's hand, peered at it for a while, then furiousness dried on his face and that shade of blue face turned to pink and his gray eyes glittered and said, "What're these algae for?"

"We have got a Chegool, sir! That's for him."

"Why did you run away, then?" Master Bayo asked doubtfully.

Cera replied meekly, "We thought you might punish us."

"Well, you can go, but from now on, stop whenever I call you. Lario and Dinato you are coming with me for wasting my time you might have a good cause." Master Bayo said.

Cera snickered looking at Dinato who was standing near master Bayo.

Cera turned back. Taeyan hit him with his elbow and said "She looks like a round fluffy ball; I can't help myself not to laugh."

"We're in a bad trouble. When did she drink that?" Daria said that having fear and laugh in his face. Cera smiled shortly and said, "Don't bat an eyelid."

"Oh! My God! What the hell did happen to you?" Master Bayo cried out.

Ms. Saro said, "Nothing has happened. I just fell asleep." Out of blue, Ms. Saro saw her face in the steel vase in front of her, screamed, and fainted.

Cera did pour the solution into the glass and took the school's food out of Taeyan's hand. He did not even think that she would wake up and drink that solution in one sip. They went out and walked toward the garden.

When they were in the garden, Cera said, "It was a narrow escape."

"Poor Ms. Saro, I feel guilty. We played too wicked this time. It takes at least a weak for her to recover," Daria said,

Taeyan said regretfully, "Now, how should we get into the forest? That solution was the only way to distract the guardian fog." Daria watched him in surprise he just realized what they had lost.

Cera smiled and put his hand in his pocket and said, "Well! No need to worry about that."

Getting a vial out of his pocket, he said out of joy. "You didn't learn when I poured the solution into two bottles. Guys! We'll be in the jungle, soon. Those who killed my father must taste my sword till then I won't sleep". Rage redden his face.

The next morning, Daria was waiting for his friends in the hallway when Lario and his friend, Dinato, came along.

Lario said, "You got away very well yesterday. It won't be the same the next time. You'll be caught red-handed, and then you must get out of my way."

Daria laughed and replied, "A cat always dreams of …You know the rest for sure." And then he turned his face.

Lario growled, "I see that you put on a brave face, four-eyes! You call me a cat, fool? If it wasn't because of your mother, Master Maratha, you couldn't even imagine studying here. I'll remember your offense."

Lario was always green with envy and was always trying to plan a plot for them. However, he was only bluffing and not doing anything against them because he was afraid of Suran eyes glaring at him now and then.

Someone from the back said, "It's none of your business, keep your nose out of our business and mind your own."

Cera raised his punch to hit him in the face that Taeyan stopped him and said, "He doesn't worth it, he's so goner, and you may kill him."

Lario turned beet red from anger and stormed out. He was trying to make them angry, but he failed and thankfully they escaped from other trouble as those two left.

Taeyan said, "Let it go, Cera! Why do you struggle with him? Everything will be ruined if we going to get a punishment. Don't attract attention."

"I can't help it. I'm allergic to what he does and what he says." Cera said regretfully.

Taeyan wasn't agreed with him. The slightest trouble could throw them away from their goals. After school was ended, they all went to Taeyan's room. Daria had told his mother about staying the night with them to research something really important.

It was the time which they were waiting for the long run. They hid behind the big thorns around the forest. Taeyan aimed the arrow that the vial was attached to. Cera asked Taeyan to be careful because it was their only shot.

"We have only ten seconds, not more." He started the count down, "Three… two…one." Cera said in rush.