Chapter 52

Viro stood up to take his leave, but the patriarch stopped him, "Alchemist, long time no see, please you stay here".

She walked back behind her chair where a vitrine sat on the ground, opened the door, and brought out a small box. She turned back to Viro and murmured, "Lay down on the rug son".

Viro smiled he forgot that no one must underestimate this lady, as he laid

Down she continued, "How did I realize? That's what you want to be answered."

"Yes, no one noticed it", he clenched out of pain.

She passed him a piece of fabric, "here, bite this till I finish stitching your wound".

Viro eagerly pulled the fabric into his mouth and she rolled up his shirt, her eyes wide open. "I didn't bear yesterday son, your face revealed the unspoken to me, the piece you are hiding in here must be picked out soon before killing you, and I'll clean the wound, but make sure you bring it out soon".

Viro nodded, the lady cleaned the blood and sheared the previous suture. It was clumsily stitched obviously to make it rush and keep it away from a close hazard pushed him to make such a risk to himself. She cleaned the wound and spiked in the needle. Viro sweated and screamed inside and wrung his eyes.

"It's done, but spatter this cure to be safe from worms, your wound is too deep." She dressed the wound place and got up. Viro sat straight. The cure made the pain much less than before.

"I'm so grateful, I owe you this, my lady".

"She turned back to him and said, "No, Taramus owes you because not everyone can play such a role to rescue others", Viro smiled bitterly.

"Don't worry, she will see the truth very soon", she added.

"You are marvelous my lady, now better to leave before anyone notice".

She nodded and Viro left there. A while after him three other middle-aged men entered her tent.

"Sending out the children to a throne fight is something insane". The man with a stick in his hand claimed.

She narrowed her eyebrows and didn't expect the wise men of clan say absurd words so replied, "they are not going to fight among that, but saving Taramus, I saw it, the spirits had shown me the end if we let the demons take our world so this conversation is done here and now". The men looked at each other.

"Then what about prince Betria? Would you stand him win the crown?" He asked again seemed not satisfied with the patriarch's decision.

"No one sees the end, who is alive who is dead? Can you tell me?"


"Where are we going?" Tamina asked the patriarch while walking up a hill.

"Thousands of years ago the same war arrived and we were forced to defeat at that time, we almost failed. Right we gave up guardians of heaven and earth shown a face and helped us they hired the owners of lights weapon and their allies, now here I am going to ask the spirits to help you for your journey."

"Where did you get the blue fire? The only dragon has this flare."

"Not only he gained that, but powerful spirits in peace can offer such bless".

"But it has conditions".

"Of course it has". She was curious about what she had given to take it.

They arrived at the peak, stars were glowing above their head. She brought out a few colorful stones, made a circle out of them. She burned four thorns in 12, 3, 6, 9 clock direction. She distributed the fur in the middle of the circle on the ground.

"Take off your clothes and sit on the fur", she obeyed the patriarch without asking questions. She knew that the old lady would send her to the spirits world the place that your clothes will appear due to your soul and emotions.

She took off the armor and placed it to a corner side of a rock, then unlaced her the rest, the cold made her chill. She puffed to the air, steam clouded then swallowed the cold fresh air, strode forth to the circle and the lady sat cross-legged.

She started to shake a bell made of rings closed her eyes and murmured exorcism epodes, "To the deep of nights, the ones who have been guarding us, hear my voice, you the spirits of stars, shining to bring us light, take her to the roots of fact, take her to the world of spirits and show her the owners of light, allow her to be your allies…"

As she was reciting the words Tamina heard other whispers and felt a soft cold hand on her shoulder, couldn't hide the fear, but to save her people had to face it because the honor of her family had gone already and now she needed to accept the responsibility. The fire flared strongly up.

She was armed to the teeth, soldiers behind her sang the battle cry, "To carry the day and save the world".

They raided forth to the demon's army, she immersed in the blood of his men just in a second. She got a wound and fell on knees, she felt her skin is burning and about to melt, around her soaked in flares, she almost gave up, coughed and blood-spattered out her throat then a familiar black cloak with yellow eyes approached, she knew him, "I've told you to join me so this is the end of a weak creature die in pain", Lug drawled.

"And I've said you can't touch my allies", a young voice reiterated.

She saw his sword and a thin glowing chain, he was a young human boy. Then everything twisted and she opened her eyes. Hardly breathed. The flares turned cold with no smoke.

"Did you see something?" lady Jazoua ran to her and covered her body.

"Yes, I viewed the scariest scene I ever saw", she responded.

"It was a great guide to keep it in your heart and remember that many people have been sacrificing themselves to assure you'll succeed."

"I won't disappoint them, I'll pay this with my life".

"Pay it by winning this battle my darling, Lug wants you dead so make him taste it himself in the deepest part of hell."

The spirits showed her his face, but the name was still concealed, she needed to discover that herself maybe on Farya or maybe on earth.