Chapter 53

Before the sun rises in the very early morning they rode down to the king realm and the clod castle of Roughton. Two days passed and they arrived there. While walking through the corridor heading to the throne room, a voice echoed between those gray walls.

"Alchemist I'm wondering how fast you had learned our language in a very short time", this question has been involving Strandeer's mind.

He smiled at that and replied, "I've tried hard to learn in a year, I had motivations, but you are the one who must tell me, how you understand my language?"

Strandeer nodded, "what an analogy, you caught me, but you know the answer, once we had learned your language through your ancestors."

The alchemist knew it, but to break the ice with Tamina needed to snatch at every point and Strandeer helped him very well.

"What do you think princess am I smart?"

"You are smart, but not all the time".

Viro couldn't understand whether if it is a compliment or sarcastic! The king approached to greet them and the conversation remained unfinished.

"Welcome home everyone, my Tamina, you're here thank you for completing your mission", the king declared.

"Oh my dear lord, look who's is here, welcome my son I'm the happiest to see you son". Everyone knew the king has special attention on Viro so didn't surprise him as he embraced him, tapped him on the shoulder.

Viro bowed as he let him go and responded, "I was overexcited to see you".

"You keen son, I'm grateful to have you", the alchemist had enough charisma to catch his attention as always, and his veracity was the first option that the king preferred.

"If I had a son just like you I wouldn't ask for anything else, now better to go in the right place we have a short time and much works, I need to talk to you in private". He turned to Tamina and gently said, "You come with us".

They entered the throne hall of Old Kingdom, the king trudged and stopped.

"Do you remember the last visitation in Farya", King Atria started.

"Yes, your majesty, very clear".

"He warned me in a furtive session that demons had been showing revolution movements, it was slow acts that time, but now very scampered, like the silence before the storm, I'd told him that they can't probably infiltrate into Taramus, but he persisted on his words to be watchful".

"We need help Father" Tamina added but ruffled that her father had underestimated them and kept it quiet in secrets.

"You're right Tamina this time you two must go after support, they know alchemist and he is the only one who can build a gate he had found the knowledge behind it that no one ever could, even elves".

"As you order your majesty, but tell me how come prince Betria simply betrayed?"

He waved ahead ruefully, "Envy and my mistake son, it is all my fault for not paying attention to my bloodline and forgot my responsibility as a father, he felt that gap and filled it with rage".

"But father…" the king interrupted her by raising a hand.

"No, don't say that".

"I'm sorry your majesty, but I didn't mean that I was talking about Tarun he is using him for another cause, of course, it is the gate, what if later they don't need him? We must consider every detail he may had chosen this way but I don't think he would hand Taramus to demons. They're deceiving the prince".

"I agree with him father, we must save him if we shall".

"Alright so finish your mission and bring us help", he walked to the table and picked a sealed letter, handed it to Tamina, and insisted, "give it to king Sayan, only him".

"Yes father, you have my promise".

"Your majesty is there anything else you intended to tell me? I know these gaze of my king". Viro felt that since he saw him after a long time, a year of being involved with his researches forced him to be away from the capital and now he could barely ignore that sense receiving from him.

The king nodded, had his seat on a fine chair around the table near a pillar, "sometimes I feel you can read my mind, actually it is about Earth your mother planet".

It trembled his heart, King Atria's face didn't reveal good news, "what happened to earth?"

"The earth isn't like 70 years ago that you left it".

"Oh it must be changed and developed more, I'd expected that".

The king shifted his head to Tamina, he made it even tougher with those words.

"No, It is hard for us for explaining, but you know about the argues between the leaders another big war occurred and the nuclear bombs ruined many things, but in a sudden, all those technologies had stopped working I don't know who was behind this one maybe a hidden force, in only two years earth became a ruin, the climate changed and many more, 43 years had passed from it", Tamina helped her father turned back to not glare into Viro eyes, paused and swallowed then continued, "The red demons and dark magicians rose from dark deeps scattered their monsters all around, many people had died out of diseases, hunger and there remained less than one billion of population, I'm sorry".

Viro couldn't tolerate it fell off on his knees, his head whistled, unexpected news drained all the rest of his assiduity. Tears filled his eyes and even a groan froze in his throat while the time has stopped the memories rose. He was aware of the time differences, but war was another issue. His family, his friends all those who left behind and had no news for many years all gone in pain. Not with a natural death, but their lives had been stolen from them. A voice screeched on his brain, repeatedly saying, "those domineering authorities were a bunch of darkness devotees".

"You are going to help them down if I do first, right?" Viro hemmed while murmuring.