
Arno's hair glued to his forehead as he untied it, wiggled his head and water drops splashed out to sides. His golden hawk-eyed wouldn't miss a shot. He just saved the three of them from not getting a bite.

He is the last child of the Burner family who was born twenty-two years ago but his parents died only a week after his birth time. They were on the way back from a visitation of their oldest daughter Rosita. The forest road was unsafe and infamous for having cruel thieves. On that forbidding day, they got attack by masked strangers. The cruel assassins killed the parents and left the newborn baby there to die out of hunger or getting eaten by wolves.

A farmer who was passing through down road heard the baby's cry and pulled the bridle to that side. The farmer handed the baby to Sofia while brought the bodies back with his jigger. At that time Everin was at home spending time with their nursemaid Sofia. The little five years old girl saw the dead parents with her own eyes at that young age, a scene that only death can take it away and let vanish.

Arno and Everin grew up by their nursemaid inside their agnate mansion while no other relatives accept to raise children except taking their inheritance. Sofia was a kind black lady, she started working for Samuel Burner as a secretary, but when the second child Everin was born Daniela, their mother got ill and she asked her to watch over Everin meanwhile she got so close to family and remained there to be close to Everin as her nursemaid, the girl she loves as her own daughter.

Samuel burner was a wealthy merchant always attracting the attention of tyrants and never trusted them to keep his relations close to them. But between all in those years a young capable man had stolen his attention, Mocker Ray. He met the eighteen years old Rosita and the marriage was right next to it six months later. A year later Daniel was born and then her mother gave birth to Everin. Fifteen years later Rosita got killed and her siblings never stepped to the mayor's house again.

Sofia was a very smart lady, especially after the mysterious death of Rosita whom two children left from her she didn't allow the avid wolves to come around the rest of Burners and reach their claws to hurt them. She called for his brother Edward the smithy. She asked him to train them and make unique weapons to protect them. They moved to Tegan whilst Arno was too young. As they settled in their life turned to an assignable path till now that they are adults and excellent warriors.

Idem patrolling through the dead Cerace bodies to make sure none is alive Silman muttered, "Well, what shall we do with these? Tonight they were more in numbers they'll become more we need more hands!" then stopped looking around and added, "Interesting, they won't turn to ash like the rest kinds".

Mohan peered at his bloody sword and answered, "We got no way, but burning them, about help I don't think that we can count on regnal guard of Elnan, those bastards just serve the king, comfort to kill protestors instead of bringing them comfort and these monsters made the way easy for them, sometimes I doubt maybe the dynasts are releasing them out."

Everin sheathed her dagger and assured, "Daniel had received my message and responded my letter by Angel, soon our niece and nephew will be here, and due to high walls around Tegan that have been building currently the city is safer from this kind of attacks, naturally sort of".

Arno's gaze wretched due to the huge mess and wished, "last time we had Lorena beside, things worked so fast, but now we have to gather them and then burn them what a creepy-crawly view", he disgusted to even look at them touching was another problem beside.

They carried and made a pile out of them. For the oily skin that they had gotten blue fire burnt them up quickly. Dark heavy clouded smoke proceeded above in the sky.

Rainy day was like a two-sided sword to the team, it could help or could hurt and make the situation of battling sort of tough. Their feet stuck between muds and didn't permit them to move fast while it was also a good point because monsters had the same problem either and slower. But anytime they had Lorena's company her gift which was endowed by dragon-phoenix could burn them up and turn the Ceraces bunch of ash or make them escape away.

Anyways sky was helpful for the earth to clean up unpleasant blood, not for the humans born to make mistakes and ruin their beloved. The legendry love between earth and sky is a myth which no one uttered or retold so the lessons and experiences had forgotten. The books had turned to dust in each corner of history and the reason why the man race deepen in grief and got lost. The funniest part was that they seek after light in the sky while their soul was the meaning of it, just needed to look within instead of up high. The love was the answer, the scariest sense ever existed the one which could burn you and offer you joy at the same time, just like those stars that we say from outmost. Not a lot of people remained to know its secret even the way to give their lives to stand and keep the love alive!

A sound of hooves coming along could have heard on the road, water holes made the sound even louder. Their dark fine clothes covered their faces, but the expensive appearance and mark on the cloak proved that they must be officials coming from Elnan.

Silman was the first person who discovered it. He grabbed Everin's hand and walked to road edges, he sat on one knee touched the ground, and closed his eyes deeply focused, the small stones were shattering and the water pan made slight waves, "Some riders are getting closer, very fast coming this way".

Arno approached them, got the same gesture as him and tapped on his shoulder, studied his face, and asked, "My dear brother in law and the best tracer ever actually I can't hear a tinge of that! I wished if you could tell us, friends or enemy".