King’s steward 

Everin disclosed her long brown hair, the waves in her wet hair could remind you of the wild waves of oceans in stormy nights whipping the air. She tied the piece of white ribbon around her wrist and as her man stood on feet peered into his eyes, her cerulean eyes were filled delightfully by assurance and chipped in, "my man never makes mistake in this issue, and don't you know that little one?" Caressed him.

"Aren't you tired, are you?" Silman while staring at his stunning and combatant wife expressed.

"I'm fine my love, don't be concern about me".

Arno sloshed his hand in the air like scattering the naughty flies and seemed to be abandon about all he has said a few minutes ago and confessed, "Oh dear me, I understand so now I'm leaving the loving birds". Turned his steppes to Mohan. He was sitting on a rock covered his nose and mouth with a black bandana, wore his burnouse ready to clean his sword and leave that place.

Arno leaned beside him on an edge. Glimpsed at his feisty eyes barely could learn about his thought, "Well, it's much better to stop grieving for Della, the nasty blue blood will penalize her death very soon".

Mohan's brown eyes were filled with hatred the glitters shown how serious he is to take revenge and no need to speak about them when the eyes had spoken already. He peeped his eyes away quickly and replied, "Daniel and the others will arrive by tomorrow, I've found a secured site. It is very old, but accessing it isn't easy for everyone, no one thinks of there. The dynasts have been fighting over the ruling cases for having more power and lands under feet, they sacrifice us and justice no longer is dead, these monsters are coming from another side this strangers army, sighed, till now we even didn't know about their existence claimed to battle us and we don't have much time to protect the human race who they intended to slaughter. Darkness will engorge all over and we'll be authority slavery. Della and her father Iham the blind man were only a slight degree of them and now free to rest in heavens, but what about us, the alive ones?"

Arno shifted his head up, stared at the sky above their head, "I'm so sorry mate, and I knew the reason for that long face, but a deep sense inside me cries that soon we'll receive help."

Mohan snacked a piece of fabric along his sword smiled and said, "Then let's trust your instinct my boy", tapped him on the shoulder, and continued, "in young ages, my mother used to narrate my myths of ancient era and I had a high-hat to believe them, I used to think she is making them push me to bed because I was a sword of Damocles hanging over her head and now I see history had returned to its sequent wrongdoings".

"Very excited to hear them, promise me that you'll let me know", Arno knocked the conversation off there and Mohan nodded at his wish.

No longer from what Silman acknowledged, three riders in costly clothing arrived on the road, two of them wore guards' armor dismounted from destriers and stood right behind the master one. From his carefully gaiting you could learn that he has never walked on the mud with his clean brown leather boots, he covered his mouth by the edges of his sleeve and the other hand dancing in the air to keep his balance on the craggy field. Anyways with all his efforts the cloak already was sweeping behind!

"Oh, Hello dear young starks, what a stinky smell, isn't it from you is it?!" he had a specific strange tune. He fetched up near Everin and Silman, still kept a few steps farther, and ignored Arno's sneer. Paused for whiles and scanned around, dread snatched to his heart and screeched inside, but strived to overcome it by displaying apathy and pretending as a man if he really had that manhood! He clenched his belt between his fingers and announced his identity very gloriously while he was the only one who cared about it!

"Anyways, I'm Axcell the steward and personal consult of our great bounteous… majesty king Stephen…"

During his announcement, Arno sneered while Mohan was clenching his jaw and muttered, "A dog of his master in fine outfits".

"No, brother a clown in the right outfits, let's go shot him down before he spoils our brain!" Arno disagreed and moved for his sister.

"… Your reputation had diffused in every corner I'm missioned to take you to our court and you'll be blessed to meet our imperial majesty."

Those words caught their attention the smell of vanity and abusive all were spitting out of his mouth.

"F**k, I hate last part more of the rest", Arno whispered then closed to his sister and added, "I think destiny got to be kidding to make us laugh for tonight's reward, of course, if it isn't a weird dream which makes no sense to us! My lord, look he is so involving in himself, why is that hand hovering in the air that way? No even help I'm sure that is going to smash him down on face!" pointed to his bulge stomach wondering how he is filling that snob!

Everin peeled at her brother and replied, "He has gotten a rude demand, I have no tie to see that callous bastard once more, if he had any intention to give us a hand he wouldn't reject the first time we asked for a simple one".

"Surely wants something unreasonable from us", Silman guessed.

"Agree with his sister, he is after something beneficial to his ass".

Clouds sheered away from the moon sight, the weak light of the young moon passed down through orifice spaces. Mohan was standing across the moonlight blocking it to glow on Axcell's face, pulled down his bandana to his neckline. As he got closer the guards touched swords hilts, but Axcell stopped them by raising his hand and said, "Well? Isn't it time to introduce yourselves or at least give me the answer?"

Mohan glared into his cold soulless icy blue eyes, only fear was there the only emotion he could scan after watching those trembling hands, "Why are you afraid?"

"Of course because of those burning monsters!" he tagged it fake short laughter.

"Yes, you must be afraid because only fools pretend that they are brave! Now tell me how did you find us?" Mohan squibbed.