Knights of night

Knights of night

Axcell gave Mohan a forced grin just as his hand hovered around and again with that special accent replied, "Three days ago we have left Elnan and arrived here in the evening, we got to the farmers' dirty Bar and asked for the knights of the night who are well known all around here and certainly they eagerly drunk and said you're battling tonight, I see we arrived on time". Seemed proud of himself for showing courage and stepping there.

Mohan paused and said, "What the king wants from us? I don't think if he needs us for help while having guards beside him".

The king's devotee frowsy and mysteriously peered at him beyond those gaze were many words hid and never could come out by tongues. It might be allurement one of those hidden in the shadows with a sweet swing sound!

The forced smile on that pale face of middle-aged man faded away, with that answer learned about their dismay, "The majesty asked just to see you due to your reputation", then brushed away his wet long black hair and looked up in the sky, he hadn't enough time to wait then he needed to head back before another rainfall.

A handsome tall black man with short black hair appeared right beside Mohan stared meaningfully at him with those blue eyes also said, "Alright then tell the king of Elnan we would accept his invitation as long as we will come our own and not now we are here for about a week".

Axcell's hand located on his chin, while looking the other side blanked his eyes after a hesitance said, "Fine, accepted, but this is my duty to alert you, infraction of our king has outcomes indeed, you must know about the rule right?"

The threat was dropping down on each word supposed to say that the king is well aware of the consequences of attacks and bloody monsters from a long time ago and intended to do nothing, but you involved yourself.

Since last month ago strange rumors have been spreading out about individualizing and stratification due to the races. All these behaves might be implying to accept the truth of them, otherwise, there was no reason to call the special ones to stand by his side and never care for the regular population getting killed by every single day, or didn't bother to give them an explanation why that's coming. "Maybe he was behind these monsters army to keep those who he wants", Mohan thought.

The clouds speeded up and the rain dropped down, the sky roared and firelight whipped the mount again like giants were battling beyond them. Howling and macabre filled around. Axcell got even paler resembled milk color. He took one step back out of dread, seemed never spent life outdoors! He pointed to the guards that is time to leave as quickly as they came. They consumed times on this issue several days were too much for him. While leaving cried out, "The sky of Airson seems to be furious! Heroes are punctual so you prove whatever people saying!" Still his voice down among sound of the sky!

"Damn you and your king, meet demons in the hell both together! We don't need to establish our fame, we're ain't f**king heroes", Arno whispered.

Axcell was shouting at the guards, but his voice was like a fly buzzing around sings for around sweet.

The conversation between them didn't last long each side didn't prefer to stretch argue in that farm though the bad stinky smell of burning Cerace bothered them enough to do that. But none of them claimed to be heroes they questing to survive and bring back peace not becoming superheroes! Being useless as the king, was the least priority for them, and didn't have any intentions to become a meal of monsters.

From the other side, the phoenix had risen again flying above the demoniac circus and burnt them in the fire of its justice to ensure that the earth will be clean of their facetious existence.

Meanwhile, in the other angle of this world, a dragon exhaled again a familiar one which was a rumor once, being an heir of earth and heaven love story.

The stalwart creature had appeared in Taramus planet to affirm the true power in regular order and apparently simple Laws, but complexed and meaningful in the heart of it only needs one thing and that is understanding, which can cause of creating instead of ruining! They needed the love of humanity and no more filthy policy. A monad love one which is simplistic besides being complicated leaving you without reason how it came along. Glorious, but painful. Breathtaking, but life-bestowing. Peaceful, but feverish the only sense that will fight against inaction to take us on high levels and push to seek and chase after unknowns!

The true power had mistaken since the human race decided to make one, of course, was pouring blood and kill each other to solve the problem and gain what they wish!

Axcell the man of Elnan king had left rapidly, the team moved to the stable where the horses were resting beside the cattle. Mounted on and cantered back to the village side.

On the village board had written, "Welcome to Apple Bower". They turned to the feeder path where you could see a medium-size log cabin made of buttonwoods. A lantern was hanging on a pier near the doorway a weak light was alive twinkling, indexing that there have settlers!

The small house was surrounded by a few trees, oak, and walnuts. On the right side, a trunk is laid while an ax has cloven on, water drops dripping down its lever. In the morning that day, Arno had forgotten to take the ax inside after cutting the firewood.

The hooves plopped by hitting the ground and chopped to get into stable, they looked more like wet rats. Mohan and Arno removed the saddles to let the animals have some rest. Placed the hay inside the cratch and poured fresh water pail for the horses.

Silman turned to Everin and asked, "go wash up first, we'll fix here".

She nodded and left there.


Mohan lifted his bag on the table and walked to firewood overlaid them inside the fireplace and set the fire. Arno skirted beside him, but in a sudden stumbled to the table and Mohan's bag which was laid on the edge crumbled down the floor. The zip was half open and all his stuff tingled and scattered. Arno heard a knack sound closed his eyes. Mohan ignored and kept setting the fire.

Everin just came out of the bathroom, sat down to help him gather his items, and clean his mess. As they pulled them back inside the bag met a very old notebook with a brown leather cover. Mohan peeked at them, sneered, gathered his long wavy brown hair up and tied it, "it belongs to my great mother a diary as you see very old the words have been about to vanish." Mohan began.

Arno's eyes flashed out of curiosity and asked, "Can I read it?"

Everin punched him by the elbow and whispered, "Are you out of mind this is a personal thing".

Mohan stood up and the woods sparkled, "no longer it's personal more like a 366 pages memoir book," Mohan replied.

As Everin felt at ease by his consent stated, "Therefore I can read it too".

"We are going to clean up what's your regards through reading it for all tonight?" Mohan suggested.

"I would eagerly accept finally we have found something from your past Mr. mysterious". Sneered and tapped him on the shoulder.