The word-town: diary 

They gathered by the fireplace Mohan was trolling spits. Fishes were hunted by them, eyes wide open seemed still in the shock of being caught, and spits punched the tails and came out of the mouths. The sizzling sound of food roasting directly by the fire always brings peace to human ears. The rain was knocking behind the window, but no one cared if it is trying to steal the attention, but still a nature song to chime in with lovers' mood!

"As we talked of the devil, he joined us very soon how odd it was", Arno who was now clean, very handsome to kill the ladies by a blink even with that hooknose that couldn't have any impact on his face.

"Don't bother yourself for that apple polisher he is a dog of that siphon guy thing". Silman calmed him.

They all laughed at that and Mohan corrected him, "That's King Stephon Silman, hahaha siphon guy thing was too good for him." He continued laughing.

"Whatever it is, but at least it is too useful to wash sh*t away, but for him. I'm still not agreed to see him." Arno added.

"We must go to Elnan, Daniel wouldn't reject that we shall not make enemies even if we are not gaining anything from this, going there may give us some information", Everin wisely said and he nodded.

Arno had the notebook in hand playing with its cover, "Alright let's read this since the food isn't ready and we are freehanded".

He handed it to Mohan so Silman watched over the food and he started,

"Again, l am far… far away from the crowded city, here on the magnificent plains of this high virgin nature sitting to regard the sunrise if I get lucky despite this cold and early breeze that blushed my cheeks. It was not pestering at all, in this cottage, everything looks much different while I can see the first day of autumn by the window and if the clouds allow the sun to gleams on golden grasses while the breeze is chiming in to make them dance, but watching this flashover the anger of sky and hearing it roaring…" the thick rough voice of Mohan turned to silence for a moment.

Arno felt that might be something unexpected had happened forced him to silent and he couldn't continue, "If anything upsets you let me read".

Mohan shook his head to deny and answered, "not at all, but every time I opened this notebook the sound of thunderbolt and flashlights filled the sky, If it was once or twice I wouldn't be marveled but with this, it is the fifteenth times, it's pushing me to think the heavens also insisting we narrate the memories while itself expressing all she witnessed through times in her own language, this is what I suppose to say is strange".

Everin caustically smiled and commented, "World and the universe! I wished we had more effort to get to know it, it could be called living while now all we see is cruelty we almost always shall try to survive! We glued to the ground and forgot how to fly over, I feel my soul has locked in a cage screaming for help".

"I'm here to be by your side Everin" Silman lovingly said.

"I'm too, while you have me you shouldn't feel like that look how strong I am don't you see these muscles always ready to shelter you", clucked and made them laugh.

"You are right Everin, but we must gain it however it is tough". Mohan agreed and continued.

"Something hot like flares has been flaming inside my chest, burning and smashing my heart wickedly without any tenderness flagellating. Why would I've been punishing so strictly? Maybe the reason was that I've been living suchlike a balloon filled by air for years, but still void! Traveling on this ground while words grabbed my collar tightly dragging me with them rapidly in a blink of eyes. This is the weirdest era ever, am I going through destiny's path or it came after me already? I arrived in a gateway of a town there was a man who used to call himself Destiny, he was handsome with a distant face the words that brought me there were his couriers. Unlike my thoughts, he wasn't cruel looked, more soft and watchful. He grabbed my hand and took me inside speedily to a direction that couldn't be predictable where is that! On the city board that he pushed me in had written, "Word Town".

This mysterious town amazed me on each wall and door you could see the written histories, wars, loves, victims innocents of greed and hatred, snap diseases appearing along, in a sudden swallowing life, like beasts. Yes, they were sweet and bitter notes remembered me of the taste of the coffee. Destiny dragged me through each house, occasionally suffering and torturing me, but sometimes paradox that they burst me to laughter and this madness won't let me go. I stopped going further closed my eyes to take a fresh breath, but he wasn't soft like a while ago and treated me roughly.

He didn't allow me to stop, threatened that if I do he would leave me there all alone by myself then I'll pass along elegantly. I was perplexed in the valley of mirth and soreness. More I would become a dullard mad man who had lost in the allies of truth after living in ignorance for many years of life, my ululation will reach the heavens while no help comes after because I had chosen to be a fool! Empty and useless inside a foggy route with no goal to achieve to push me moving to the utmost.

What an odd world this is, I never could imagine that there is such a town beyond every word uttering out simply from my mouth, one cried out of devisal and loving emotions they got engraved here in pictures, the bricks of this world had built by them. But other words are not the same at all empty and dangerous like bombs that a few steps away hit something worthy and make a huge explosion and leave wounds, damages for the citizens of these houses while ashes floating in the air, what eccentric filth.


Author note: Thank you, everyone,e, for taking your time and reading this story I'm glad to let you know this part of the story is related to my personal life since I was too young I used to write diaries and when I got eighteen my brothers had found it, broke the lock and had read it, sigh, I know this is freak, but they had read everything I couldn't overcome that fury and burnt the diary oh that's crazy I know and regret it so much now it seems I blamed myself for that! Here is a part of that diary in my imaginations. I must also let you know that this series is my first writing that I start four years ago and finished last year of course the language was Farsi and I'm translating it myself to upload here on webnovel, if any mistakes you see or the quality isn't that good please let me know by leaving me messages, comment,… anyways I'm doing my best to write a quality one with fewer errors. Please if you like this story vote and add it to your library to boost my writing and energy.

Word town in this part indicated to books which each one is a town to me.

At the end please spend your precious vote, vote.

Best of wishes and of course health to all,


Peace to all.