
...Three days lasted since the day that they have found Mohan, but the fever didn't permit him to be awake and Arno was nursing him the whole time. He opened his eyes in the early morning of the fourth day. His gaze rolled to the desk side, strong pain killer tablets were laid on the front desk. Sunlights breached in across each fissure touching his eyes and teased him. Blinked a couple of times to be able to handle even that weak light.

His lips dried and remained colorless, mealy-mouthed, "Where am I?"

He felt the sore throat, his body stiffens as a piece of stick ached and didn't allow his brain, but forced himself to move away from the bed. He had come for a matter and couldn't stay in an unknown place for a long time. He rolled a sight to his left arm, seemed he has spent a danger over his head. He was supposed to leave now.

His feet felt the earth, there must be people who saved him this perfect. Barely able to remember voices and blurry faces. Suddenly something flashed in his mind, "Atendor… was it real?" he murmured. Stood up, released a breath as his ears whistled and his vision dizzily guided him to the doorway.

He opened the entrance door and got shocked, "Where the hell am I, here isn't Elnan surely?"

Everin saw him there slouching trying to leave and walked to him. At the same time, Crystal came out of the lodge's backward and met him. He wasn't strong enough to pace around simply without having care.

He saw a young pale girl who looked very ill, she had a smile, and her eyes got nervous as she realized him outdoor. "Who are these people?" He thought and remembered the soft voices who were trying to feed him. They were talking about Atendor's remedy and the tears of Lariduna which could heal her disease over time and because of the Hell-spirit's poison toughly could be cured even though she is using that remedy. It proved to him there must be more monsters kind out there. Now that he swallowed the fresh air his memory was working slowly.

"Do you feel alright? You should have some more rest, very clear you've gotten atrophy yet." Crystal said.

He nodded and agreed that. The straight sunlight annoyed his eyes and forced him to lean his back on the pier behind.

"We don't know what to call our guest yet, of course, you said a name, Mohan Wilson, is that yours?" Everin asked while peering at his arm.

"Yes, I am Mohan, did you save me? Where am I?" asked with his rough tired voice his face turned into worries. He rushed to leave there as soon as possible, but with his body condition and that arm he couldn't go further.

Everin was serious didn't trust him for many reasons and one of them was he talked about Elnan during spending in fever, she thought he must be a man of Groan's king who's very famous for his cold blood and cruelty.

"Not us, but my brother Arno saved you, he is going to be here with his companions, and you must lie up a bit more till they come back". She answered.

He nodded and smiled must consider himself lucky that her brother was able to help him, "I'm feeling well, I just need to leave soon".

"You are in Airson, you can't leave this way. Are you from Groan?" crystal said gently.

Mohan slowly walked to the chair near-wall side and responded, "I am from Groan, and I was heading to Elnan to report a herculean case".

Crystal was very curious and not able to shove it away, "I'm Crystal and she is Everin", pointed to her and Everin almost gaped wasn't agreed that they all were taking easy on this weirdo. She paused after a short glance at Everin and asked, "May I ask which kind of report?"

He hesitated for a moment, "extravagant creatures with bear body shape and head of wolf assailed us, I asked the king of Groan to do something, but he said we do not have enough forces, that bastard doesn't care, I'm going after help from Elnan."

This time Everin was surprised, Arno was right! He isn't a menial, frowned to all she heard and said, "Neither that boastful guy will help you because thirst of power and coins blinded him and slaved his soul. We took our notice personally, unfortunately in the same case, but different monsters, he rejected the notice, even didn't lift a finger and I won't forget his proud face anymore, we had to get the show on the road ourselves and help folk's bruit".

Mohan got paler than before swallowed, but his mouth and throat were dry as he swallowed sands and said, "What do you mean he does nothing? This is unreasonable!"

Crystal tapped on his shoulder and said, "Sorry to disappoint you, but this is a bitter fact that we faced, you should give up on them because they will suggest you to hire hunters!"

"So they deemed us as sheep, only villainy and selfish ones can be such ignorant". Mohan clenched, he came all this way played with his life for nothing. King Stephen has kept that silence and remained as a useless puppet! He was a self-opinionated, overbearing tyrant and he was the last man Mohan should want to tangle with.

This king was victimizing people to feed devilish monsters, only to please his allies! Fear of losing them didn't proceed him to make a move through his duty whether you couldn't call it exception because there were many of these rulers out there planning to take the throne for their clan.

On the other side Lug, the demons' commander, the first son of Abalis aimed to reach his own goal not only through humans rather hunt down all the creatures whom they involved within the previous battle. He attempts to knock them down to hell, he inherited this deep poky roguery from his father.

"Being sad won't help us to survive, be patient till the others come back we would find a good solution for it, we will help you if there is a way". Everin suggested making him calm down after that huge disappointment and walked to stable.

Crystal left him alone for a while and again got back with a dish, pemmican, grapes, egg, and loaf of bread, anyways food could bring him back in a better state.

"You must gain more stamina", she expressed and left it to his right hand, then pushed the table near him.

"Thank you, you are an elegant lady", smiled.

"Help yourself, Can you eat your own?"

He nodded and she left him to be at ease.


The sky ran dark. The wolves used to go on the highland of forest and bay to the moon direction. It was a good alert showing that no monster is around.

Earth's climate was warm, but time have frozen and things were moving coldly gray. Days passing and overtaking like it is an unfair match because instead of developing they would go down by attacks! They didn't find out the reason behind it. Reasons were secrets, sealed in boxes hidden in unknown worlds and you wouldn't dare to go after them clumsily to cause your death ridiculously, yes as Nan says one hand got no sound in such type of situations.

The inadequacy of governors brought more accomplishments for Abalis and his demonic clan. Seeds of hatred and pugnaciously disdainfulness made people against each other. Those who called themselves humble slipped to a corner dreading to lose their life and the loving ones. Their lips stitched and waiting for someone to rescue them! A light to glow in their cruel dark world which makes you feel pity for this low weakness!