
The door unlatched smoothly and four people entered. Three men and a young rare girl with light green eyes. Her eyes were more similar that stars landed on earth, long silky white hair reached her hips. As Mohan discovered she wasn't a human at least he didn't see one until now.

Arno eagerly approached him and said, "I'm very glad that you are up", pointed to his arm and said, "Mate how is your arm, any pain?" Arno seemed to be very folksy at first sight.

Mohan nodded, "You must be Arno by your favor I'm still alive I would pay that with my life", smiled gently. These people were rare to find in each corner, they helped him and now he is hoping for another favor. As the ladies told him about monsters he aimed to give a hand, but this ain't easy if demons are behind it. He kept being quiet and didn't ask about the magician elf and would rather see him personally.

The others approached and greeted him, while Lorena was peering into his eyes meaningfully. He felt that she can transpire into his brain and study all his thoughts, memories, and intentions! It gave him a chill, but she smiled warmly and all those fears faded away then she turned her face to Crystal and he thought maybe all of these were just some suspicious mistakes or illusion.

They all gathered together, Crystal and Everin poured beer drinks into mugs, carried trays along with the table in the middle of the living room, and placed each for them, and had their seats beside newcomers.

Daniel rolled his eyes to Mohan and said, "Well, now we got a chance to get to know our new friend, tell us more".

Mohan nodded at that, his fingers were playing over the beer mug looking for the right words to explain to them the reason for his trip.

"I talked to your friends about this, I came from Groan and I'm a farmer. Recently odd circumstances kept people at home diving in dread, not a good one can cause this indeed. Gory creatures had appeared all of a sudden we named them "Imour" which means "fray shadow" in the local language, exactly when the full moon glows in the sky, you can hear screeches which can make you unman out of fear, then after you hear someone got killed by them. Last month four of them attacked us.

Those who got surprised were slaughtered and the others who aimed to fight either got killed or remained wounded and unable to fight again. I was one of those warriors. I had trained by one of the best masters, he was my father's friend.

We protested and claimed that king Zooland does nothing, but living gloriously under the rule of the great Elnan throne, he went out of rage and by the crime of public instigating arrested us. We were in governmental jail for about a month. After that I got forbidden to meet my training master, it called an illegal gathering.

I was worried about his condition after we got released so a week later I searched over his cottage in the middle of the forest when I didn't find him inside of the house, His meal was still on the table and no guard behind the door could have been seen. I chased after him outdoors. And finally found his body had laid on muds near his garden, blood-covered under his face. He was forcedly poisoned as I realized and tested his blood by my silver ring, the bruise prints over his neck pushed me to believe someone had done this purposely. I didn't need to guess who had done such a murder. I know there was a reason that he didn't save his own life by fighting back them and Zooland might threaten him somehow.

Two days later news pervaded all around Groan and brought more fear. A baby got lost and everyone picked a torch to find him, but we found no trace till…" his words cut as a gulp burst out and locked his throat. The others were listening carefully he studied their faces and noticed that no one got ever shocked. It wasn't a new notice to them. Released a heavy breath and continued, "I got a few signs which led me near the waterfall, he was de…" he closed his eyes they could guess the rest, reminding that scene was equal to death, "I've decided to take this violation to Elnan and ask for help, but now I see that I passed all this long way full of danger for nothing because they wouldn't help either. Zooland told me people must learn to protect themselves from natural bales. My arm got hurt when one of that wolf-bear like Imour monsters attacked me.

They are dark as moonless nights and filthy with bloody eyes completely different from normal animals. You can see the hell in their eyes pestering your soul."

"Again another baby, with this we heard about twelve lost ones, so Marcus and Dena must be your family", Arno asked.

He surprised, but wished that was true, "No, they are not, Marcus is the son of Zooland and she is his mother,"

"How come you would call their name persistently?" Everin asked suspiciously.

"Marcus is my pupil, I used to teach him fencing and I would rather not to talk about my issues."

Daniel was leading this team so the last decision was on him, he knew the rules and started battling long ago before everyone becomes aware of what has been happening. He knew about Lug's plot and didn't intend to let him win and ruin humanity. He picked the beer mug and walked through the window, peeked into the dark, and thinking about what he must do. He took a sip of his drink and remained mute.

Arno tapped on Mohan's shoulder and said, "You spent such hard moments, sorry to hear that," then shifted his head to Daniel and contributed to his thought, "Fine my dear niece, and so what is your suggestion?"

"We have to travel there here I want to shot an arrow to reach two targets! Get prepared we are moving in two days". He sturdily said. They couldn't even guess what he is thinking about, but Lorena sneered and whispered, "It is the time now".

Silman sipped the whole mug in a shot and stood up approached Daniel and, "I'm honored to help for such a cause, although I don't trust his half narrated story", he murmured.

He grinned and sighed, "Ahh, my mate everyone got personal affairs, and I don't think he is from Lug liege, yes this son of demonic throne loves gaming us, but he never holds and plans a play to laugh, not by regular people".

Daniel meant that his personal life might be tangled with this problem or affected by it, otherwise, there was no reason for Zooland to quad him for such a banal protest which is his natural right, and Daniel knew all these Nobel guys from a close sight. There must be a personal grudge or hatred between these two that may even be the cause of his master's death. It might be an eye-opener. It is not easy for you to talk about this kind of emotional matter while your eyes are locked on your face. You can't peer at the horizon and tell others what your secrets are unless in rough necessary moments.

He drank the last sip of his drink and asked Crystal to have some air with him.