Argon: Info (II) phoenix

"Well, well, so you are the feral guy! I think you've got something that belongs to our prince". Cera sneered, his eyes hooded and glittered. 

"Now what? You wanna be kicked like your goofy prince?" Hizan mocked.

Made Tae out of rage. He aimed to shoot himself on the dwarf, but Daria blocked his way, "No, he is trying us. Don't give him reasons! Let's bring a bit info out of him".

Tae swallowed the air down, closed his eyes and pressed his eyelids. 

"Talk turkey. What do you want? You got the dagger! Anything else?" Daria asked, waiting for respond. 

He drew out the dagger which laid on his hip. Playing with it and let it shine in darkness, "Here is my region and you are very buzzing!" He didn't bother to take a look at Daria.

"So how long is that you're here Hizan?" Daria got succeed to start a conversation.