Farya (I)

"If the earth that we are living in could groan one day, he would warn us about heart of humanity. He may blame us that we talk about love and peace, but ruin it ourselves. We were confused! You know, the rat that people of Dylan province call great king Stephen Savant betrayed us. The one who laid on his Throne in Elnan. How shall I bear that...?" A woman was talking to her husband, butler and maid. They both were nodding at her. The shade of the scene was blurry.

Her voice lowered and lowered as suddenly a burning smoke streamed in, pestering eyes and nose. A nipping cold followed it in. Barely eyes could see eyes. They couldn't realize that hazard is right near their skin. Among that ghastly entrance wraiths moved swiftly. 

Lyra was witnessing them, but her voice had obstructed in throat. She closed her eyes. A creepy demon approached to her. Grabbed her jaw and inquired her to watch the real horror show.