Earth: Eninour_ The wall 

 "Dorthon, what's happening? Man, speak to us." Tae yelped, took his coat off, and wrapped it over the man.

"Oh God, what's wrong. Is he dying?" Daria asked, did not know what to do.

 Cera gazed at unquiet horses, this bale sprung up from a hex that they sensed before entered.

The rumors turned out to be fact. No human had the right of passing the bridge and it proved how bottomless this grudge was.

This journey did not begin to be on good terms with all of them. The man turned to a piece of ice, slowly, and began to dialyze as snowflakes and joined the mist before the bridge. 

"No, No stop it, stop it…" Tae was shouting looked around to find the cause but the man no longer was alive. His clothes were left there on the cold earth. 

"That is not a real mist, but frozen ashes. My lord, this man just lost his life because of us." Daria was trembling.