Earth. Eminour- The Earth’s memories 

Tae's twinge guilt towards Dorthon's death was getting deeper, though the man knew the danger of route, and it was supposed to be his own choice and no one ever forced him to accept it.

"We shall survive here and go to fulfill our oath towards Dorthon's daughter. This is all we can do. Cera, keep his bag with you." The prince informed his friends. Cera nodded and squeezed the bow curved bone in his hand. 

They stopped in front of the palace, which was at the end of the street. The rail-grating gate moved away and they attained a corridor. Torches in the bearers had lit up already, made shadows large and stretching on either wall.

Walls had illustrated with symbols. Giant snakes had horns on heads, coiled against armies of cloaked people. 

A scorpion painting began to crawl beside them. It seemed the drawing was leading them to their destination.