Earth: The stick

"Yes, your highness, the stick is the summoner of wild waters." Queen Taya answered the king. 

"I never heard of the stick but there is a place with this name, Carina stick." 

Suran and Lyra gazed at him eagerly. More details were needed to find where it was.

"A month ago, my commanders got dangled with demons near Tegan borders. They saw a few people who ruined a demon's gate there. My men were frustrated and weary so they moved down the northeast of Elnan on the coastline. Due to their reports, near the dead forest line, there were two dried trees near a pillar. They settled there to have some rest. On that pillar, they saw a strange statement, had written 'Carina stick' in an ancient language." The king finished but it was a pillar, not a stick.