Water world: Valdonia (1)

The borders of Valdonia were under the attack of beasts. Their fangs sharper than blades, their thick doughy skin could endure the thunderbolt flash and the soldiers toughly could hunt them down by blades. A stroke by their nails could cause the mermaids deep wounds. 

One of the mermaid forces found his way to commander Suden. Without hesitation, he led a troop of shark riders to where the guard had pointed to it. He witnessed how horrible the condition of each man was. The number of dead and wounded ones was increasing frequently, more than he expected. He called out for one of them. The border watcher bowed and said, "I am at your service, commander."

Suden beckoned on the dead ones and said, "Only a sudden attack could bring such a bale to us. Tell me from which angle they have been creeping out and how many of them surged forward until now?" 

"Ten beasts but very fast. They came out of a crack on the west side." The watch reported.