Mother’s past

Lian Rong lay on a bed with navy blue curtains embroidered with a magnificent white lotus. Looking down he wore an ancient white and blue robe. His hair was unbounded reaching his waist like a messy silky curtain. He sat up and noticed a beautiful woman sitting in a chair near the bed. The sunlight streaming through the window highlighting her sorrowful expression and the tears in her eyes.

''Mother?'' Lian Rong's lips trembled as he called the words he wished for with all his heart.

Feng Li Qin eye's overflowing with tears took Lian Rong in her arms and hugged him tightly afraid to let go.

''Xiao Rong, my child .... it's all mother's fault. For so long you have suffered...''

Tears flowed like streams down her face causing him great heartache.

'' You must have used ' Heaven Tidal Time reversal'. The rebirth technique that takes your very's the only way your soul would be complete again''

She took a large breath to stabilize herself and clutched his hand in a death grip.

'' When I was young I belonged to Tidal Moon Sect which belonged to a different middle realm. My father was the sect master and his bloodline could perform a very powerful rebirth technique. It was said that an Ancient Holy Beast the Time Falcon's only Daughter had chosen a mate from our descendants. This Holy Beast has given half of his cultivation to his daughter protecting her and her descendants with a space travel reversal.''

She had a rueful and almost self-mocking smile on her face as she continued .

'' Unfortunately, very few descendants could perform the technique. The last three generations could not activate it at all. My father thought that possibly our bloodline was too thin. Our whole sect was destroyed due to a side branch betraying us by colluding with an unknown terribly powerful enemy.''

'Could this have been the enemy that murdered his family in his previous life?The one that tried to destroy the world.' Lian Rong pondered and listened to his mother carefully trying to pick out any clues from the information spoken.

'' They planned to use me to have children with as many warriors with possibly rich bloodlines. My father and Grand master managed to escape prison and rescue me before I was harmed. Just before we managed to leave that realm by Grand master perished trying to save us.''

Feng Li Qin thought back to the horrors of those days. When her life hit rock bottom. She was once the only daughter of a Great Sect Leader then suddenly she became prey. Even losing her powerful Grandmaster who sites on her . Losing the very person who could hold up the sky struck a severe blow to her heart.

Her expression grew sadder and voice softer. ''We ran further and further away. Endless nights and days, from realm to realm eventually we settled down in a lower realm for a period of time. My father started to grow sick, he was poisoned by Blood Corpse Flower. There is no cure for this poison. Over a period of five years all the meridians and veins become eroded and the victims suffer from inhumane pain until all their organs fail, and they die.''

She grew lost in thought and stopped talking.

Lian Rong gently squeezed her hand, and she let out a small smile breaking her melancholy thoughts.

'' I soon met your father after being on the run for 15 years.''

''The Greedy Double- Headed Serpent was a Level 6 Magical Beast was equivalent to a Half Nascent Martial Spiritual warrior."

Feng Li Qin shock her head relieving the memory. '' I was only in The Middle Stage of the Golden Elixir Phase and had no way to fight off a 6th level beast. I also did not have a spiritual familiar nor powerful weapon to help me. Totally alone and helpless !I couldn't even dare to run as the Greedy Double Headed Snake will never give up its prey. ''

'' Your father came to my rescue. He was only at the Late Stage of Golden Elixir Phase but also a Yellow level soul practitioner. He managed to kill the Greedy Double Headed Snake a whole cultivation level higher than him because he was a Dual-Warrior . I was surprised to see a Dual Practitioner in person as they very rare . We met at an unknown little realm of a Deceased Half Immortal practitioner who had wanted to pass on his legacy but had restricted imposed to under Nascent Stage. It was a place to get rare treasures as well improve your strength.''

''Your father suddenly proposed to me. At first, I thought he was joking after all how could you want to marry someone you had just met! He was charming, loving and brought joy into my dark world. We fell in love, but I was worried about implicating him. He soon revealed his background as the Young Master of the Hua Clan. Nervous and worried about possible betrayal I ran.''

She laughed thinking of her husband's foolish courtship methods. "He just chased after me . He said that in his heart and in life for as long as we both lived, only I would be his Wife and Dao companion."

''Eventually, I told him the truth about my sect and enemies. Your father declared that in life we would face everything together, and we were married within in a week.''

''Yu-er and Ai-er were born and for many years we were safe and happy. '' Feng Li Qin looked at him and stroked his hair lovingly .

'' My Xiao Rong, you where our great surprise, twenty years after your sister we were blessed with you. ''

'' All those with the Hua Clan direct bloodline are blessed with the ability to cultivate both spiritual and soul power. It was due to the Hua Lord. There was a legend that your father could better explain but from what I understand that in the Hua Clan that every few generations there would be birth of a flower lord. This person would be the most powerful dual practitioner. It was said that under the heavens all the creatures and plants would be friends of this person. ''

Feng Li Qin explained.'' Your father's bloodline is of the Lotus Lord that is why there are different surnames in the Hua Clan.''Lian Rong was slightly puzzled as her felt some thoughts coming to his mind but dismissed them.


'' You were born with the symbol of the Flower Lord on your hip. It was an imperial lotus. Your father was overjoyed and surprised. The lotus was white closer to the stems but towards the edges was rainbow colored. In an ancient scripture that only could be opened when placed on your skin and activated with your fathers blood revealed that you have the ability to become a Soul Rainbow Practitioner. ''

The image of infant Lian Rong flashed through Feng Li Qin's mind. Her beautiful little baby . Xiao Rong.

"Your father and I were happy that you would carry forward his family legacy, but we were worried that you would face many trials in the future.'' ''Your Grandmother had known an ancient prophet who had served the as an envoy to the Three Gem Soul Lake and as an ambassador of the human race when he was young.''