
Lost in memories Feng Li Qin spoke slowly. Her eyes distant thinking of a past that had brought much difficulties into their lives.

'' It took us a full year to find him. In a rundown temple sat an ancient monk in a clean grey robes . His gentle light blue eyes gazed at us serenely as if he knew the answers we required .


"It's is a burden being the heavens beloved.'' The monk stated as he looked upon the 1 and some months old toddler.

He touched the toddler's right ankle and removed the small shoe as the parents looked slightly surprised .He gently touched Lian Rong's ankle again and released purple-silver light. His eyes closed in concentration.

The child's mother gasped and her eyes filled with tears.

'' No , no, how is this possible ''

She desperately clutched her child to her chest ripping him away from the light that gave rise to her deepest fear.

'' A time Reversal technique successor and the most powerful Hua Lord that I have ever seen. A doomed fate or a victorious one... both ... everything is ever changing and inconsistent... what a remarkable child''

The child wriggled in his mother's arms and clutched the monks robes. An indigent scream fell from his pouting mouth as he protest as if disagreeing with the monks words.

The monk gave a surprised laugh and his expression softened.

''All will be well little one'' . He gently patted the child on the head.

"This will save him , this will save us all'' he cryptically said as he handed the startled father an ancient scroll and looked at distraught mother. The prophetic monk took a jade bracelet and a sword pendant from his Cosmos bag.

"This jade bracelet will conceal his breathe from his enemies preventing them from knowing that he is the successor of the Tidal Time Reversal technique .Make sure that he wears it at all times.''

Taking the toddlers right arm and gently placing the pure white jade bracelet on his wrist. The bracelet shrunk to fit his tiny hand.

''The sword pendant is a divine artefact. This and the scroll is essential to ensure your son's survival. I am helpless to prevent the event and neither can I see the event as it is bound to occur.''

The monk then walked away and with a smile ''I am looking forward to seeing new Lotus Monarchs'' as he teleported away.


'It looked like I was born very powerful thanks to my parents' bloodlines. However that power came at a great cost as it attracted many enemies.'Lian Rong concludes as he tried to wrap his mind around the numerous secrets he had uncovered.

'' The ancient scroll was very strange it spoke of a way to split a persons soul in order to stabilize one half of the soul. It was very cruel as it would slowly take a persons emotions away. To have a very rational person but no emotion almost like the Demonic Sect puppet technique. ''

Feng Li Qin grew angry as she spoke '' Your father and I were furious but fearful as well. We had no idea of what was to come but we're certain that we would never succumb to such measures. Who would know we would meet that witch...''

Her face grew red as she suppressed her rage and continued to speak: ''We had heard that a secret realm opened up of a Saint Level Faerie Practitioner which is on par to a Legendary indigo Soul Practitioner. We were hopeful we could find an alternative to the scroll there.''

''Unfortunately, that was the place that a disaster struck. It was opened to many middle realms for a period of only two months. Your father and I had no choice but to bring you with us as your Grandparents and siblings were in secluded cultivation. A curse witch that cultivated Devil Cultivation had wanted to marry your father despite his refusal . In her jealousy she tried to poison me and cursed your soul to scatter . ''

She had a bitter look in her eyes and frowned. '' I wonder if it was because of our incessant thinking that inevitably caused harm to you. We had to eventually do unthinkable task of separating your soul. ''

"You were born with an exceptionally powerful soul and the energy it took caused the witch to curse you unknowingly cost her her life.''

Her hand gently took Lian Rong as if to remind herself that he was still with her. ''There was a great collusion in your body of spiritual and soul energy . You were only of the age of two and the spirit healers of the Clan were helpless. Even your grandfather who was a Blue Level soul practitioner could only dispel the turbulent energy for a day at a time. When we used the technique your soul split in two and we stored one half of it in the sword pendant. The other half did not leave your body but had always been unstable.

"Lian Rong thought back of sword pendant necklace with lotus flower carved in the centre that he always wore in his previous life.

He had always thought it was from his ' mother' from earth but it was just a container of his soul? So in actual fact the Yu Rong of that world was a still born but alive because of the artefact .He found this a bit creepy. But he was relived that he was not actually related to his 'Earth family'.

''The mark of Hua Lord also gradually became lighter and disappeared when you turned 10. You were born with heavenly -phoenix, an evolved condensates emerald plant root and a blessed root. Yet, when you started to cultivate at the age of ten only water and Fire Qi run through your body . When you became 15 years of age although you are at Middle stage red level soul cultivation you have no familiar. For all cultivators appears at initial red level to protect their soul practitioners. Over the past 5 years you have grown colder , aloof and apathetic ''

Lian Rong was trying to think of a solution to stabilize both his spiritual and soul powers. Currently his body is only fifteen years old at foundation building stage which would allow reintegration of the other elements but it would be extremely painful .Thinking back on the scrolls and books he had read he was trying to remember the if there was recipe for a certain pill to help with integration of the Qi elements. Some technique? Anything?

"This was because our decision to split your soul .My son ,forgive your parents for their selfishness and incompetence that made you suffer so much pain. ''

He understood that his parents did that to save his life so he did not blame them in the slightest. ''This was no person's fault you we trying to protect me.''

'' But ,I blame us for we have failed you twice ,my son. At some point by using the technique you gave up your life. There was some great disaster that we couldn't protect you from. No matter what has happened my son we will stand together to make sure that it will not occur again .''

His mother declared with such conviction that he believed that maybe everything would work out for the best in this life time.