
'' Higher,Xiao Rong!Defend yourself!'' Lian Zhengsheng ordered his youngest child to put up a better defense he was trying to attack but leaving himself open

'' Yes! Better ,continue like that.''

Lian Rong cleverly dodged his brother's sword and then turned and tried to attack diagonally from the side.

Lian Rong was getting used to his body and had previously trained in swordmenship, so he was progressing quickly.

Unfortunately he was not at Lian Jianyu's level yet.

'' Little brother, let's stop.'' Lian Jianyu said as he once again held his sword to Lian Rong's throat. Lian Jianyu was worried that Lian Rong was tired as they had been practicing for the last 4 hours.

'' I'm fine ,elder brother, let's continue.'' Lian Rong stubbornly persisted.

Lian Jianyu only continued after a nod from his father.

This round was better and Lian Rong managed to exchange 20 moves with his older brother before being defeated.

Lian Rong started of attacking he ran at Lian Jianyu aiming for the throat before feigning a left before dodging after his elbow.

They crossed swords a few times- Lian Rong's arms trembled under the strength of the attack's.

Jianyu practise the ' Metor Fire' Sword Technique that was especially fierce and the bearer had superior strength.

In the end Jianyu dodged grabbing him under his arm flipped him over and then pointed his sword to his neck.He lay on the ground utterly exhausted , panting and sweating

Lian Jianyu was currently a Half- Nascent Cultivatior and Mid - Yellow Level soul Practitioner ,so even if his brother wasn't using his full power ,to exchange 20 moves with him was a great achievement.

Yet Lian Rong wasn't satisfied... He was a great Cultivatior in his last life and his family clan was very powerful yet all of them were defeated by the enemy.

The Hua Clan had 15 Dual Cultivatiors while other great clans had a maximum of 3 . The clan had 2 Advanced Armament Masters one of whom was his older brother's master. A Grandmaster Pill Master who had an apprentice who was already already an Advanced Pill Master.

Countless powerful spirit and soul warriors were all slaughtered.

The Hua clan who was known for its magnificent warriors and mighty healers, was quickly exterminated by a unknown enemy and they couldn't even but up a battle.

He was determined to protect his people in this life so he had to become strong enough to cover the sky with a single hand.


Lian Zhengsheng, could not even begin to imagine his youngest child suffering - his wife had told him that Lian Rong had used the Tidal Moon Sect's Reversal Technique to turn back time. He had tried to give Lian Rong time to talk , let him train and cultivate until he collapsed but that was not a permanent solution.

All Lian Rong had said that everyone died- but that alone was not his responsibility to prevent. They all would work hard, protect themselves better so it would not be burden on his young son's shoulders.

Lian Rong was training in such a reckless way and he didn't sleep nor eat . He just lived and breathed cultivation and training.Haste made waste. He was afraid that whatever Lian Rong experienced would result in a disruption of his sea of power or elixir field. Resulting in a heart demon that would attack him at his weakest and corrupt his soul.

Lian Rong needed a someway to channel his determination in a healthy way. Someone to convince his stubborn son that he didn't need to torture himself in order to progress in cultivation.

Lian Zhengsheng decided it was time to take Lian Rong to the Shadow Basin Woods. There he would meet an old friend. Perhaps the only person who could cool his son's rage.

''Enough. Jianyu, Xiao Rong rest. Tomorrow , Xiao Rong only cultivate for a few days . I order you no training!We will be going on a trip so I don't want you collapsing."

He sternly looked at his youngest son daring him argue.

" Yu-er , go to your Master ! He was looking for you so go and quickly see him."Jianyu helped his brother up from the ground and then nodded.

Lian Rong's father walked him back to his room and gave him a few Qi replenishing pills which would help him recover faster.


Lian Rong took 2 of pure white Qi pills that had a slightly sweet taste and herbal fragrance. He began meditating trying to calm his racing thoughts. Most cultivators can only begin cultivating can only successfully start cultivating at the age of thirteen.

In spirit cultivators there are 3 essentials elements needed for cultivation. Namely being the body, dantian and the elixir field.

The body obviously being the body you were born with . A Cultivator needs to be physically strong and healthy in order to cultivate. People need to take care for themselves as well as the meridians in which spiritual Qi flows through. That is why you rarely see fat cultivators- well some can be a bit chubby but there are no grossly obese cultivators. The body will need to contain the power of a cultivator .As they say a body is a temple.

The Dantian is in the center of the of the abdomen and is where spiritual energy is stored. The power house of the Dantian is the spiritual roots which you where born with. Imagine the Dantian being an endless plot of land and your spiritual roots being a small tree that grows when your spiritual power increases.

The last being your elixir field this one is the hardest to explain but it is essentially the soul and where psychic energy of a spiritual cultivator was generated-also where the spiritual familiar lays dormant until it is awaken and where it can stay in their cultivators body.It also is necessary for the channelling of your spiritual energy.

Lian Rong, was a Dual Cultivatior so he had started cultivating at the age of 12. He had began cultivating 'The Blazing flame' technique. This technique would not work well for him since his soul was whole again. The Qi Refining Stage was basically gathering Spiritual Qi into your meridians and storing it in the dantian so that was what he was trying to do. He had to start from the beginning...

Without solidifying his foundations he could not progress. Even though some spiritual roots were were developed into Foundation Building Stage others weren't leading to stagnation of his cultivation and it was becoming so frustrating to Lian Rong.

Eventually he came to the painful and most frustrating conclusion that he would have to scatter and destroy his current spiritual cultivation and start all over again from the beginning.