Shadow Basin Woods

The only way to describe the forest was alive. From the numerous centuries old tress to the smallest blade of grass gave of an energy. The dark leafy canopy was with hundred of thousands of trees was an uninterrupted so devoid of human activity something you would never see on Earth .Here there was mutual respect demanded by spirit beasts that prevented human greed.

Lian Rong felt there were gazes on them but not hostile but rather curious. A lower spirit beast would not attack unless harmed first, would only hunt for food and not sport but were rather curious and had an innocence that was foreign to human beings. His father was randomly walking towards the centre of the forest but he was sure there was some reason so he put trust in him and blindly followed along.

They did not intrude on any high level sprit beasts or magical beasts tertiary so in that way no battles ensued. Higher tier spirit beasts were very proud and had human-like intelligence. Lian Rong happened to find common and a few precious hard to come by spirit herbs. Grade 1 herbs like the Fairy moss and Silkweed used in Qi replenishing pills. Pink milk weed and Knotted Thimble weed used in sleeping potions.

Grade 5 herbs like Dawn Dragon wheat grass that we're adored by alchemists for their blood clotting abilities. The Grade 6 Ghost winterberry root used to dispel resentful energy! Their trip was already bountiful as they managed to find these small treasures.

Lian Rong and Lian Zhengsheng gathered the herbs carefully and stored them in an interspatial ring.

The centre of Shadow Basin Woods was rumoured to be exceptionally dangerous - the home of Level 8 and above magical beasts .But so far they hadn't come across any high level spirit beasts.

These past few days had been exhausting and Lian Rong didn't have the chance to cultivate.


"Mother, Sister ,Good bye."

Xiao Rong gave them each a gentle hug and assured them that he would take care of himself before standing with his father in front of Yu Yemeni, a Level 8 Ruby Griffon.

She was his father's companion beast ever since Lian Zhengsheng had rescued her as a chick .Griffons were arrogant and haughty creatures but honourable. The powerful sleek lion body accompanied by the head and intelligent eyes of an eagle made them fierce fighters.

Their massive wings were capable of quick flight and durable enough to make long journeys .Griffons had a powerful bloodline that allowed them the opportunity to become magical beasts. were born at 6 th level and Yu Yemeni was talented so in less than 20 years she was close to human transfiguration ; powerful as a half- nascent cultivator.

His father was had mutant fire- earth and air roots so he was very compatible with a fire griffon .

Spirit Beasts had advantages in terms of cultivation but they went through a lightning tribulation in order to achieve transfiguration. In order to keep balance in the world ,spirit beasts couldn't be superior in every aspect and there were certain restrictions placed on them so that they couldn't become Pill masters, array masters or armament masters . This compensates other races because spirit beasts were born with innate cultivation talent and strong physiques. It also forced interaction between different races.

Some people treated spirit Beasts as pets or prey but they were neither . They had consciousness and human intelligence once they passed Level 7.

A Beast Tamer was needed in order to tame a spirit beasts volatile power and nature. They also helped form a contract between a cultivator and spirit beast. They are 2 contacts that you could sign with spirit Beasts . Partner and slave contracts.

In a partner contract was one between two equals but a slave contact was an unfair - and most spirit beasts would rather die than bow their heads .

In a partner's contract a cultivator and a spirit beast drew strength for one another, we're friends who consulted each other and grew stronger together.

A slave contract was forcing a spirit beast to accept the will of a human cultivator regardless of their own will.

Slave contracts where banned in LiYun continent but there where other areas of the world where these barbaric practices still existed.


They had flown for 2 days with only a few stops for breaks before arriving to the outer border of the inner forest.

From above there were countless spirit Beasts. The golden tiger, indigo badger, scorpion wolf and fanged boar all seen from above.

Some had advantages in strength others in speed and agility.

They soon reached a metallic blue and pearl rock that was a hollow that had symbols engraved on it in a random pattern

After his father touched a few inconspicuous cracks and inserted his soul energy a barrier appeared in from of them.

" Shishu, Shishu... ,Soulstorm Swordmaster, Master Fan Huan" his father called out loudly but in a respectful tone

Soon a Snow leopard from the Sunstone Glade Clan appeared ,that caused even Yu Yemeni to become fearful, behind the barrier. It was a late Level 8 spirit beast but seemed to have a more powerful bloodline than the Ruby Griffon .

Observing them carefully it waited before letting out a commanding growl.

It was not trying to threaten them but making an announcement.

Soon a breathtakingly beautiful man appeared. It might be wrong to call him beautiful but his features were not masculine at all and delicate to the extreme.

Tall but slender. Wearing a simple purple robe with no decoration. His hair was a pinkish silver colour held in place with a wooden pin - showing his small ears. Distant,cold aquamarine eyes with no ripples as if alienating the whole world. He had some mermaid- like features but more importantly this man was a legendary Indigo Soul Practitioner !He had visible Soul Warrior Tattoos on his temples and backs of hands.

Only once a soul Practitioner reaches Indigo stage do the tattoos appear and he had only heard of 2 people who had ever reached that stage and in this current millennia no cultivator had managed to achieve this feat.