Chapter 19

But I didn't understand what might be their relation...


Employee and employer?

I was really confused as well as curious to know about them...

But I don't know how to ask ???

Finally, I decided to ask Shruti as it was her last working day in the office. On the other side, I was afraid of what she might think of me if I ask about them and it might spoil our friendly bond.

I was busy in my own thoughts that I didn't realize shruthi was calling me till she tapped my shoulder.

"Where are you lost, dear? About your boyfriend?" She asked me playfully.

"Boyfriend !!! Where did he come from suddenly" I asked?

" Then what are you thinking seriously?" she questioned me.

" Dont takes wrong about me what I am thinking and ask you one question," I said.

" Okay...first tell me what are you thinking and going to ask," she said with a smile.

" That I was thinking, why you always follow Karthik sir instructions very strictly and why you respect him so much? why don't you question any of his instructions? Just you follow his words blindly" I asked her my doubt finally.

"Because he gave me a new life which I never even think in my dreams" she answered.

But I didn't understand what she means...

She smiled at me and said he treats me like her sister. I was the daughter of a poor car driver. My father used to work as a car driver for Karthik's father. In one accident, my father and Karthik's father were dead. From that day, my mother used to work in their house as a servant as well as a caretaker of Karthik.

I stopped my education due to financial problems. At that time he was young but still, he convinced my mother to continue my education. He helped me financially for my studies through his mom. Being a rich person, he is always kind and humble " she explained.

" Today whatever I am and how much happy in my life, it is because of him" she added.

" Do you know, his mother is also kind-hearted and helping person.?" She said.

" Really!! " I asked.

" Yes, but I don't know what happened between Karthik sir and big madam. Now she is staying in America from two years" she said sadly.

" I feel very bad that no one is there to take care of Karthik at home" she concluded.

"Every employee left, Still you people didn't start home??" we heard a voice from behind.

It was Karthik.

He was walking towards us carrying a shopping bag in his hand. He took a gift box from that bag and gave it to shruthi as she was her last working day in the office.

" Thank you, sir," she said with happy tears.

" No more sir, you are not my employee now" he hugged her.

" Okay, thank you Anna(brother)" she smiled.

" Take care of your health and if you want anything, anytime, call me..." he added.

"Shall we go to any restaurant?" he asked us.

" Anna, sorry today I have a doctor's appointment and my husband will come to pick me," she said sadly.

" It's okay" he nodded with a dull face.

I felt bad about seeing his gloomy face.

Meanwhile, She got a call from her husband. She informed us that her husband came and left the office in a hurry.

" Are you going home?"I asked him.

" Yes, why?" he asked me.

" Can we go together in your car?" I asked him.

" Are you sure?" he asked raising his eyebrow.

" Why? I can't come with you in your car?" I asked him.

" No, I mean you maintain a professional relationship in the office right? So?" he asked me.

" Office time is over, for your kind information. Now you are not my boss" I said angrily.

" If you don't want to drop me. I can go by own " I said to him taking my handbag from the desk and moved from that place.

It was my mistake to ask him. I thought he was looking gloomy and wanted to spend some time to make him normally. But what he was thinking of himself.

Stupid... idiot...I cursing him in low voice.

He took long strides and stopped me holding my wrist.

" What now?" I asked with irritation.

As I was walking towards the stairs, he dragged me into the elevator.

" See, it's true. You look more beautiful when you are angry" he commented showing my face in glass reflection still holding my wrist.

" Before going home, shall we go to a restaurant. Still, it is 7 pm" he asked me.

" No" I replied.

" What about the movie?" he asked again.

"No" I replied.

" What about shopping?" he asked again.

" No" I replied.

"Then any park," he asked again.

" I am not your girlfriend to come where you ask" I answered rudely.

He chuckled listening to my words.

I thought today he was behaving as if he comes from another planet. He was really testing my patience.

" See we reached the ground floor," he said When the elevator door was opened.

Yes, it was true. I didn't afraid in the elevator as always as I was busy arguing with Karthik.

" Shall we go to a home together?" he asked again.

I followed him as I understood why he irritated me with his words. He is really difficult to understand...


3 months later...

Our life was going smoothly, without any problem. I was really happy with my job and the people around me. All my colleagues are friendly except my HR head Mr. R.Nair. I dont know why he doesn't like me. In these three months, I learned my work perfectly with help of staff and especially by Karthik. Even after office, if I had any doubts, he used to clarify such a supportive boss.

Shreya was spending most of the time in the office with Arvind Anna. I never saw such a lovely couple. Their love for each other is wonderful.

One day both Shreya and Arvind Anna planned to go to Bangalore on their project work. They both were very excited about their tour. I was really happy to see their love and affection. I prayed to God to shower his Blessing on them.

It had been three days, they left for Bangalore.

I was feeling very bore as I was alone in the room. I didn't understand how could I spent alone in the room. Sometimes Karthik used to spent his time with me. Sometimes I used to cook for both and we have our dinner together in my room.

One day, When I was in deep sleep, I heard the sound of a cling bell. I checked the time it was night 11 pm.

I thought who might be at this time?

I slowly walked towards the door to open but I was frightened to open the door what if it is any thief??

Without any break, that person was pressing the cling bell...

I don't know what to do, so I immediately made a call to Karthik and informed me that someone was outside the house.