Chapter 20

I was frightened who might be at this time. I took steps slowly towards the door to open but my legs were shivering badly. Again I called Karthik whether he was coming to me or not.

He said he was coming to the terrace and told me to open after 5 minutes.

I was amused to see Shreya at this time. They had to return after two days from Bangalore but I don't know what happened suddenly in the tour that Shreya returned alone suddenly. I checked the time, it was night 11 .30.

"Where is Arvind Anna?" I asked her.

But she didn't give any reply and went inside the room by keeping a dull face


I could see Karthik's face, he was also had the same facial expression as me. We both looked blankly at each other as we didn't understand what to do. So he signaled me to follow her and ask what happened between both of them. Shreya sat on the bed looking at Arvind Anna wallpaper on her phone.

" what happened cupcake, why did you returned alone?" I asked anxiously.

She hugged me tightly and started crying.

" Why are you crying? You are scaring me" I asked.

"Do you both had a fight?" Karthik asked.

She nodded her head as no.

"Then?" I asked this time loudly.

Immediately Karthik dialed Arvind Anna and asked what happened between them.

I don't know what they talk over the phone within few minutes Arvind Anna came to us.

" Why are crying now? When you could not tell our love matter to your father" Arvind Anna yelled at her.

Calm down and tell me what happened, I asked Anna.

" Ask your friend, why are you asking me. She came here without waiting for me at the airport. " Anna replied.

I wiped her tears and asked what happened there. Then she replied that her father came to know about their love matter due to his cousin who met in Bangalore. The next day morning her father will be coming to take her. Within three days, her father fixed engagement with his friend's son.

We were awestruck with the news.

" How could he fix engagement without her concern?" Karthik yelled.

I remained silent and was thinking inside as I know how orthodox uncle is and how difficult the situation to convince for their oftheir marriage now. Even Arvind Anna was also furious as my friend left him at the airport and came here without informing him. But if Anna also behaves like this, how would we convince uncle for their marriage??

"It's okay, we can talk with uncle to convince our marriage," I said to calm Arvind Anna anger.

Even after listening to my words,  his facial expression didn't change. I slowly walked towards Anna and pleaded to be calm.

"She doesn't even oppose her father's decision Priya. What should I do then?" he asked in an annoying way?

"Please think from her view, she loves you so much," I said looking at his face.

" But it is not enough Priya, one has to stand for their love. Crying is not a solution" he answered looking at Shreya.

" You are right but you don't know her father. He is very orthodox. She is very scared. You should be supportive of her at this time. Instead of that, you are making the situation, even more, worst" I told him.

" Yes, whatever Priya is telling right. You should be supportive of Shreya" Karthik supported my words.

Arvind agreed to our words. He went to Shreya and hugged her. Still, Shreya was crying holding Arvind anna. I and Karthik left the room to give them privacy.


I felt very bad to see my friend crying. I was just thinking how to convince, it was easy to convince aunty but very difficult to convince uncle.

Still, it was midnight 1 pm, we were sitting on the open terrace. When I was in deep thought, Karthik tapped my shoulder.

" What are you thinking madam?" he asked me while smoking.

" What will I think other than Shreya and Arvind Anna" I replied.

He asked each and every detail about Shreya's parents. I didn't understand why he asked the details and what he was planning in his mind.

From the past few months, one thing I understood about him that his planning strategies will always be different.

After taking all the details he took another cigarette from his pocket. I snatched it from his hand and threw it in the dustbin.

" You said that you will smoke rarely but what is it? Don't you know it is not good for health" I asked seriously.

" Yeah … see climate is very cool outside. So.." he was trying to support his action.

" Don't support your action Karthik. If I see you again smoking. I don't know what will I do" I warned him.

" You know? You are talking with your boss" he tried to frighten me.

I gave a deadly glare, immediately he stopped talking.

We remained silent and observing lights around the city. It was quiet with no traffic sound whereas, in the daytime, it will be busy with sound and pollution.


" Okay, what will you if you are in Shreya's place?" Karthik asked breaking the silence between us.

" I will never be in her place because I don't love anyone and also no one wants to love an orphan like me" I replied with a fake smile.

" Love belongs to heart, Priya. It does not belong to a family or financial status. Love is magic, it happens we don't even realize that feelings " he said looking at me.

" I dont know," I said casually.

" Love happens, we don't know when we fall in love. It is not in our hands. By chance it happens then I don't want to lose that person at any cost" he answered and smiled widely looking at me showing all his teeth.

I was not in the mood to think about him as I was sleepy. On seeing my condition, Karthik told me to sleep in his home as he doesn't want to disturb our love birds.

I know staying in his home would be fine but I don't want to become gossip with our neighbors.

I denied softly by saying I was comfortable here and there will be no problem for one night. He accompanied me the whole night as he doesn't like to leave me alone.


The next morning I was welcomed by bright Sunrays and birds chirping sound. I remembered last night's discussion. I checked around and found Karthik was sleeping on the floor and his face looks very tired.

I cursed myself that if I won't be denied goingo his apartment he would not sleep like this….it was all because of me.

I went near him and called with his name so that he wakes and he might sleep in his room.

But he was sleeping like a rock without any response. As he was not all moving little, I called his name loudly near his earlobe.

He woke up with sudden jerks and checked the surroundings. I laughed aloud at his shocked expression on his face.

First, he was fuming in angry but he changed his expression after seeing my face. He smiled at me and went to his apartment without yelling.

He is looking so handsome…


I took leave to my office as Shreya's parents were coming here even Karthik didn't go to the office. We were eagerly waiting for them and also feeling nervous about what will happen?


At last, uncle and aunty arrived at our place. Uncle seriously went towards Shreya and dragged her hand.

" You didn't even think about my reputation while roaming with a random guy. You thought I don't know about the truth as you were staying away from hometown" uncle shouted.

"Please once listen to me, I love Arvind. Once talk to him. He is a very nice person" Shreya pleaded.

But he was very furious that her pleading was not going into uncle's ears. Still, she was trying to convince him. Arvind anna was also trying to talk with uncle in a polite manner. Uncle forcefully started dragging Shreya to take along with him. This time Arvind Anna stopped them by holding Shreya's hand. Uncle warned Arvind Anna to leave her hand but he didn't leave it. I and Karthik also tried to make him listen to Arvind Anna words but he showed his palm to shut our mouth. Finally, their uncle lost his control and slapped Shreya.

He asked her to decide to chose among Arvind Anna or family…..