Arrival in Fairy Tail

[Host we are now in the Fairy Tail world and you will be waking up soon so i will inform you of several things 1. to speak with me unless you want to be called crazy speak in your mind, 2. you have kept your old name sine you did't say you wanted to change it, 3. because of the height you chose you will be a lot shorter than others your age, 4. since what happened in the war your father doesn't let you leave the guild hall. Also when the main story line begins you will be 16yrs old]

'Hmm.. ok. Can you show my status?'

[Yes i can.]


 Name: Niji Yuki

 Age: 5

 Level: 0-5

 STR: 0-20

 AGI: 0-30

 DEX: 0-30

 INT: 20-60

 WIS: 30-60

 MN: 0-80

 Stat points: 200]

'Why do my stats look like this?'

[Due to host choosing to be born as her 5yr old self instead of as a baby you have gained level 5 and all these stats from training with your father and all the guild members if you'd like i can give you the memories of it?]

'Yes i would like the memories of doing that'


'What can I buy in the store?'

[You can buy anything from other anime using store points the only thing you can't buy is more magic or the powers from that world, to access store say open store]

'Open store'

[Opening store...

 One Piece


 Food wars

please select your category for each one there is an exception to not getting any powers from that world]

'Open One Piece'


 Devil fruit- ice ice fruit and shimmer shimmer fruit

Luffy's strawhat

Ace's Hat

Robin's Suit

Nami's tattoo

Ussopp's Sling shot

these are all the items currently available]

'How many store points do i have?'

[Store points: infinite]

'Is that from the glitch?'

[yes it is]

'Ok get both devil fruits Ace's hat and Nami's tattoo'

[Confirmed. Would you like Nami's tattoo to be the guilds symbol so that it's not suspicious?]


[Confirmed. All other items are in your inventory, to access just say open inventory]

'Open Naruto'


 Weapons- kunai, shuriken

 Jutsu- fuin, ice release, crystal release

 Sakura's ribbon

 Sakura's shippuden outfit

 Ino's outfit

 Hinata's outfit

INT of a Nara

this is all you can get from Naruto]

'Get all the jutsu, HInata's outfit, and INT of a Nara'


[INT has gone up

 INT: 60-150

WIS has gone up

 WIS: 60-150


'Open Food Wars'


 Shoma's culinary knowledge

Joichiro's culinary knowledge

Shoma's culinary experience

Joichiro's culinary experience

Akira Hayama's Spice knowledge

Ryo Kurokiba's seafood knowledge

Erina Nakiri's god tongue

Ikumi Mito's meat knowledge

this is everything you can get]

'Get Joichiro's knowledge and experience, Akira's Spice knowledge, Ryo's seafood knowledge and Ikumi's meat knowledge'


'Can you give me the the knowledge of the talents that i chose'

[Of course i can download any knowledge that you got directly into your mind so that it will be like it was always there, would you like me to do that?]


[This will hurt but since your body is asleep to others it will look like your having a nightmare]


[Ninji all knowledge that you got from the store has been transmitted successfully]

'thanks and i'm gonna give you a name is that ok?'

[Your welcome and yes since i'm only known as the fairy tail system or as others call just system]

'Alright so from now on you will be called Majikku which means Magic in my old world'

[Confirmed. System is now called Majikku. Niji it is now time for you to wake up]


[Your father is trying to wake you]


"Good morning sweetie" Dad says

"Good morning daddy" Niji says back

"Well lets go eat some breakfast shall we?" Dad says

"Yes" Niji says

They then head to the first floor where they're greeted by the whole guild, her father then gets the mail that was waiting for him and finds a letter from another guild to form an alliance when he checked which guild it was he found it was Fairy Tail so he turns to his daughter and asks her opinion

"Niji do you think we should ally with this Fairy Tail guild?" Dad asks

"Yes I think we should from what I know they are an up and coming guild that has the potential to be one of the strongest in all of Fiore" Niji responds

"Well if that's true then it would be silly to turn them down so i'll accept" Dad says

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------(AN: A little time Skip Here)-----------------------------------------


I'm now 16 and it's the start of the main story line so the rune keeping the guild at 1yr inside to 25yrs outside has broken, my father is also letting me leave the guild hall for the first time in years.

My first stop is going to be Fairy Tail since my father said that one of the conditions for me going out was to deliver a letter to the guild master of Fairy Tail.

When I arrived at Fairy Tail I heard a lot of noise, and when I went in I saw chaos chairs being thrown, magic flying everywhere and a flying cat that got thrown out of a fight and came my way.

As I made my way to the guild master while avoiding everything that got thrown in my direction the guild slowly stopped fighting to see what I was doing in their guild

"Can I help you my child?" Makarov asks

"I'm just here to deliver this letter to you from the guild master of Nichibotsu" Niji answers

"Well then let me see it child" Makarov says

"Here" Niji says

"Well it seems your father is still doing well and has asked for my guild to take you in to learn about the world" Makarov says

"I see so my father wants me to join your guild in order to learn before going home to join my fathers guild" Niji says

"Yes my child that is what he has asked" Makarov answers "Now which of you will take her under your wing and teach her everything there is to know?" Makarov asks

"I will teach her" ??? says

"So you will do it. Well come down and introduce yourself" Makarov says

"Hello my name is Freed Justine, I am part of the thunder legion that serves Laxus,I use Rune magic, and it is a pleasure to meet you, my lady" Freed says with a bow and a slight blush

"Hello my name is Niji Yuki and I use Crystal make, Ice, Wolf keys, and Rune god slayer magic, and its a pleasure to meet you too" Niji responds back while looking down with a slight blush

"Aren't they cute?" ??? asks

"Cute? Cute? Cute? Cute? Cute?" Floating dolls repeat

"Come now Bixlow don't tease Freed" ??? says

"Its was to good to ignore I mean he's blushing Evergreen" Bixlow says

"That may be true, But that little girl is so adorable!" Evergreen Says

"I'm 16" Niji says

"Doesn't matter your still adorable" Evergreen states