Side chapter

Authors note -- In this side chapter I'm going to show a slight montage of how she grew up and leveled so there will be a few quests that she will do and yes there will be time skips so that I'm not spending too much time on this side chapter. Also the story will no longer be in a third person perspective.


After eating breakfast with my father and the rest of the guild I go to the training center and do my daily workout to train my body, it lasts for a few hours before i take a break.

After my work out I got a system notification

[Repeated action has created the skill 'Fitlife'


     The more you work out the less energy you will expand when you exert yourself

STR has gone up by 10

AGI has gone up by 10

DEX has gone up by 10]

'So i can create skills to'

[Correct host]

'Now that I think about it do I get a beginners package like in those other fan-fictions I've read?'

{Hidden Quest - Complete     Rewards- Beginners Package and level up x2}

'Cool. Open Beginners Package'


[Opening Beginners package...

Saiyin bloodline (kakarot's line)

x1 bag of unlimited senzu beans

x1 use of  Dragon balls

x1 container unlimited ink

x1 summoning justu of choice

Gate of travel

x1 character creation]

'can you incorporate the Saiyin bloodline?'

[It is advise that host lays down for the integration of a bloodline so I will integration while host is sleeping]

'If that's the best way then do that. As for my summoning justu of choice I would like to have the summoning contract of the wolves. Also can you tell me about gate of travel and character creation?'

[Acknowledged. Wolf contract is now in the inventory. The Gate of Travel will allow you to travel to other world's when you have reached the to of this one, as for the character creation it allows you to change things about your character to suit the world your going to but you won't start as a baby but you can choose when and where you shall be as well as your age but since you have a family in the Fairy Tail world the option of having a family there will be taken away but you can have it where your adopted by a family]

'Alright thanks for the explanation, when i go to sleep tonight I want you incorporate the Saiyin bloodline'


My plan for myself until I'm sixteen will be training my magic and training with my summons. Also some i will have the Saiyin bloodline i can train like Goku which will work since I also have Sinshu beans to heal myself if I get hurt while training

[Would host like me to activate auto pilot you will do everything you have planned and act the same as you do now. You will have all memories of what goes on while in auto pilot. While you can meditate to increase your magic reserves which will also increase chakra/ki or any other energy you will get from the other world's you will go to.]

'Well if that will help me then go ahead and run auto pilot starting after I go to sleep'


After that I went to the main hall to have dinner with the guild and then I went to bed.

[Initializing autopilot. Incorporating Saiyin bloodline.]


[Autopilot now deactivated.]

[Host you are now sixteen years old this is where your story truly begins]


So from what I remember my faster told me last night that I'm going to deliver a letter to Fairy Tail and i need to pack my bag for a long stay there, well let's get going.

Get ready Fairy Tail here comes the Silver Wolf!