Spells and Evolved Abilities

The sounds of soldier's training became audible as they got closer to the training camp.

The drill sergeants were screaming at the top of their lungs, even audible over the surrounding din.

"Get back on your feet, private! How long is your a*s going to kiss the floor?"

"I told you no slacking off! Join the line after doing 25 pushups! Be thankful I am wasting my time on your sorry a*s! NOW MOVE!"

Their training method confused Liam. They were carrying heavy tower shields and rushed at a thick block of wood placed in their path. The collision left them lying on the mud floor, dazed from the impact. The wood had nary a scratch on it.

Even though it was early morning, the soldiers were tuckered out. They bent over with the hands on their knees and wheezed, striving to give their lungs the much needed air. Fat droplets of sweat rolled down their faces, splattering the ground.

Liam never saw such a useless training method, if it could even be called training. No matter how much he thought, the objective of the training eluded him.

The soldiers bore most of the shield's weight using their arms, making the situation even weirder.

Nora glanced at him from the corner of her eyes. Noticing the disapproving expression, she smiled. "It's not as useless as you think."

He shrugged noncommittally, not the least bit concerned about why they chose that method.

The drill sergeant noticed Alisha when they got close and jumped out of his skin. A few relaxing soldiers entered his vision, making him pop a vein.


His behavior amused Liam to no end. No matter which part of the camp they went to, the soldier's reaction to Alisha's presence was priceless.

"He's late," Alisha said.

Nora shrugged. "I would be more surprised if he was on time. You can explain evolved abilities first. Caleb should be here by then."

Alisha beckoned the shouting drill sergeant.

With a pale face, the sergeant looked around, hoping she was referring to someone else. Everyone in the vicinity backed away, giving him the answer.

The sergeant walked towards her, shaking like a leaf. The memory of Alisha's words the previous night were vivid in his mind.

Before she could speak, he started rambling. "I am will mold them well. One day won't be enough to increase their understanding of the corrupted. Still, yesterday's tragedy was pretty effective and most of them are training harder. I will beat the remaining slackers into shape."

Ignoring him, Alisha said, "Feel his arm."

Liam wanted to facepalm. Would it kill her to be more specific?

The sergeant glanced between everyone, confused by her words. Only when Liam got close to him did he understand the meaning and stretched his arm.

Touching it, Liam felt an extra appendage near his elbow.

A voice interrupted his examination.

"Sorry for being late aunt — I mean commander." Caleb changed his statement after catching a glimpse of Alisha's face.

His gaze shifted to Liam, who was feeling the sergeant's arm, and did a double-take. "Uhhhh..... I think a lot of ladies are going to be disappointed."

'What the f*ck?' Liam thought, unable to comprehend what he meant.

Jade did not have the same restraint and was never afraid of expressing her opinion.

"What the f*ck?" she openly asked.

"If you aren't going to say anything useful, keep your mouth shut." Alisha's voice was always cold, but it was even colder when she uttered those words.

"Aun — Commander he is …." Caleb did not finish his statement and made wild gestures while pointing at Liam.

Realizing what he meant, Liam froze. The sergeant pulled his hand back, leaving him standing awkwardly.

Jade burst into laughing while Dunn was trying hard not to laugh, without a lot of success. The corner of his mouth was twitching harder and harder, indicating a losing battle.

Liam threw a steely-eyed glare at Caleb, who stood there with an innocent look on his face, as though he couldn't make sense of the situation.

Nora shook her head in resignation. "When will you learn to shut up?"

Alisha was Caleb's godmother. At a young age, he was found to be talented. His parents sent him to the archdiocese Alisha was training at, hoping she could take care of him.

Even at that place, he made a name for himself as one of the most talented potentials in their batch.

Afraid of people targeting Caleb, his parents pulled him some favors making sure he wasn't sent on difficult missions.

The easy tasks gave him an overinflated understanding of his self-importance and strength. By the time his parents understood their mistake, it was too late.

Caleb's personality caused a lot of troubles his parents had to resolve.

Alisha ignored him. "Did you feel something different?"

Liam decided to follow her example and ignored Caleb. "Yes. I think there is an extra muscle growing near his elbow."

"That is what an evolved ability is. The name is actually a misnomer stuck from ancient times. A better word would be a mutation. When you undergo evolution, mana modifies parts of your body."

"Is it random?" A woman from Caleb's squad asked.

To their surprise, Liam was the one who answered. "No."

"How do you know?" The woman Liam identified as Ella, questioned.

In response, Liam pointed towards the training field where a few soldiers were training separately. A huge trunk was attached to a pole and was swinging like a battering ram. The soldiers used their shields to absorb the impact, most of which was dissipated due to the extra muscle in their arms.

"Perceptive," Nora said. "Stats don't affect evolution by a large degree. Instead, type and control are the major factors.

"Most of the soldiers in the army either have enhanced strength, jumping power, speed, or other mutations. We've developed training methods for common abilities as diversity isn't desirable in the army. It only leads to chaos.

"When your form is well defined and the control factor is high, the mutation is in general better. It will be more streamlined to your fighting style."

Caleb's squad members were bored by the unimpressive mutations and it showed on their faces.

Nora sneered at their ignorance. "What I just showed you is the simplest mutation. Other changes are more impressive than you can imagine. They modify the major organs or change a large part of the user's body giving rise to unbelievable abilities. I know a person who can indefinitely stay underwater and someone else who can store energy inside their body, essentially having a massive amount of stamina."

Noticing the bored expression change into infatuated ones, Nora knew they were fantasizing. "Stop daydreaming."

"Those mutations may sound awesome, but they aren't easily acquired. It requires training, dedication, skill, and mastery, qualities rarely seen in people your age. Also, don't think you will have something like steel skin. The first evolution only affects you biologically."

Her words did not deter the squad member's dreams. They were all recruited due to their talent and confident they would achieve a good mutation.

Both Alisha and Nora easily guessed their thoughts but didn't reprimand them. It would be useless as they weren't in a condition in which they would listen. They would have to learn the hard way dreams and reality were different.

"Let's discuss the final topic of the evolved. Spells."