Tightwood Creek (Part 1)

"Now that you are familiar with level 1 spells, it's time to learn level 2 and level 3," Nora said.

Liam listened to her explanation along with his friends. Mastering level 1 spells wasn't challenging. He couldn't manipulate every one of the elements without hand signs, but he was getting there.

"For starters, let's begin with the classification." She freely manipulated the ink, forming words in the air.

Level 1: Release

Level 2: Form

Level 3: Modular

Level 4: Fusion

Level 5: Enhanced

"Apart from light and dark, the release tier has a single spell corresponding to each element." The ink transformed into a different set of words.

Earth: Sludge

Fire: Flames

Water: Coat

Lightning: Shocking palm

Wind: Hasten

"These spells are useless. They are slow, have a limited range, and use a disproportionate amount of mana. Unless you can frighten the other party by casting them, don't waste your mana."

"Really?" Jade didn't buy into her words. The spells had many drawbacks, but calling them useless was foolish.

"There are always exceptions" —Nora gazed at Liam— "but they are few and far between. Having the skill and presence of mind to utilize them effectively is a rarity. You will have better results with the higher tier spells."

Turning away from him, she continued the topic. "From the name, the second level is self-explanatory. You shape the elements, giving them form and increase their variety of use. Before understanding its limitations, I want you all to create a fireball."

Liam succeeded on the first try, but his friends needed a few attempts to cast it. He didn't need any explanation to understand the shortcomings of the second tier. The flames kept dissipating, needing a constant supply of mana to maintain it. Also, trying to cast another spell disturbed the mana flow, dissolving the first.

"They are better than the first level but similarly face a lot of restrictions. True usage of magic begins at level 3."

Rather than explaining, she demonstrated their use. Five fireballs appeared on the fingers of her hand and rotated around a ball of water she created on the center of her palm. "Before learning spells of this tier, you aren't considered to be proficient magic users. At this level, spells have complicated structures and are self-sustaining.

"Any questions before we wrap this up?"

"You haven't explained what the final levels do." If that was the extent of what she was going to explain, Liam seriously wasted his time. The spellbook perfectly described what they discussed. In fact, Nora's explanation only had words like useless or wasteful, without explaining anything concrete.

She smirked. "The initial stages are relatively easy to master. Even the most incompetent evolved can cast level 2 spells. From the fourth stage, there is a disproportionate increase in complexity, requiring hard work and talent to master it. The basic requirements are two third-tier spells without using chants or hand signs. Don't even think about the final grade. It's too far beyond your reach."

Liam wondered why he bothered attending her lesson. After he beat Ned, she openly praised his skill and agreed to teach him as a 'gift' for his performance. He eagerly anticipated the explanation about level 4 and 5 spells missing in the spellbook. "Can't you explain how the spells differ?"

She shook her head. "Don't bite off more than you can chew. There is a reason the spellbook doesn't contain the details about the final grades. Focus on the skills within reach."

While her concern was valid, it was useful to know how the spells functioned in case they had to fight someone who could use them.

"I still haven't gotten the personal spell." In his frustration, he didn't consider the way he phrased the words. In a way, he was insinuating that they failed to honor their promise. Staring at Nora, he wondered if she took offense. Thankfully, it wasn't the case.

Rolling her eyes, she said, "Have some patience. There is no way Alisha would renege on her promise. The spell is tier 4, bordering on tier 5. You will get it in due time."

He relaxed at her casual attitude.

"It's time to meet the commander. She is going to explain the next part of your journey." Nora guided them towards the edge of the camp. On the way, a lot of the soldiers excitedly pointed at Liam and whispered among themselves.

In the army, the evolved were all well known. Only a hundred of them were present in a camp containing five thousand soldiers. Among them, Ned was one of the stronger ones, and defeating him turned Liam into a small celebrity.

Alisha waited for them alongside Anya. As soon as Liam arrived, a glove floated in front of him. Runes surrounded the green jewel embedded in the center.

"It is a communication amulet. You can imprint it by sending a small tendril of mana into the jewel."

Jade accepted it without any hesitation and curiously examined it. "How does it work?"

"You can learn it on the way."

At her words, everyone turned serious.

"The situation in the theocracy is quite chaotic. Her Holiness has recalled every talented individual under 25 to assist in the recent upheaval. You will travel with Anya to the great city of Rodich and support her in completing her tasks. Make sure you follow her commands."

The last statement wasn't in her usual monotonous voice. Liam heard the hidden warning present in the sentence. Inside the camp, none of his actions escaped Alisha's notice, restricting his actions. After reaching Rodich, the situation would change and he would have greater leeway. He would follow Anya's commands, but it was high time for him to gather information and make other preparations.

Alisha's explanation left Liam with more questions than answers. The age limit wasn't something he could wrap his head around. The soldiers in the camp were proof of the importance of the requirement. Apart from a few exceptions, the camp was filled with people below thirty.

Also, using the Rift portal as the reason for the mobilization of the army no longer cut it. With the pope's recent commands, people would start asking questions and the truth wouldn't stay hidden for much longer. Liam had to prepare for whatever came afterwards.