Extra Chapter

"Baby, can we please talk?" My voice was barely a whisper as we stood in the kitchen. He nodded and grabbed my hand leading us to our bedroom. After getting married, finally, everything was perfect. Here and there, yes of course, was rouges and other complications. But we handled them well. We had a small reception and then had a gigantic party afterwards for our wedding. Our honeymoon consisted of us going to Miami Beach. Which took my breath away at every thing Maddox could do for it to be perfect for us.

I stood before him, nervous for what I'm about to tell him. He took my hand and sat us down on the bed, looking at me an waiting. I took a deep breath and mumbled everything.

"I'm pregnant, Maddox." At first I was scared he would get mad, or any emotion. His eyes filled with lust, desire and love. His lips smashed onto mine making me smile. Well that's at least a good reaction. He pulled away smiling away.

"I can't believe it. How long are you?" He looked worried and confused.

"One month along." It only takes werewolves four to five months for a full term of pregnancy. There was a little anger filling in his eyes, but left and filled with love.

"Well, you and I will be going to appointments. I will talk to the pack doctor and make sure you and our baby will be safe and healthy. My smile grew bigger and then faded.

"When will we tell the pack?" With us not having our parents here, we would turn to our pack, having anyone help as much as they could.

"Tomorrow. Lets just relax for a little while." I happily agreed as we laid down onto the bed as Maddox rubbed the hidden bump underneath my baggy shirt.


Five months later...

I woke up hearing Maddox's snoring in my ear. I groaned and walked toward the bathroom. After brushing my hair and teeth, I stressed in sweatpants and a tank top that hugged my stomach showing the baby bump that was now growing bigger. I walked downstairs and into the kitchen seeing other happily talk and eat. I grabbed eggs, bacon and sausage putting them on a plate for Maddox and I. I quickly walked back upstairs to the room seeing Maddox walk out of the bathroom. Suddenly pain started to erupt through my stomach making a piercing scream come out of my mouth. I felt water run down my leg and looked up at Maddox scared.

"Its time, Maddox, the baby is coming." My voice was shaky and pain filled. Maddox rushed to get the bag and hurriedly run us to the pack doctor.

"Everyone, Luna is having the baby. Get everything ready!" The doctor yelled to every nurse in the room.

After three hours of labor, finally the baby has arrived.

"Its a baby boy!" The nurse exclaimed handing the crying baby towards me. I held the baby as I looked down at its features. Eyes like his father and hair like mine, and a baby face of his father.

"Miles." Maddox exclaims. He always wanted to name the child if it was a boy. I handed Miles to Maddox as I felt exhausted and my eye lids start to fall.

Everything was now perfect. Our little family. I knew Maddox was so proud and happy to have a family, finally. After getting married and having our own child together, I knew my life wouldn't be any happier until this moment. In the future, I knew there would be many more moments to come. I would be happy to finally spend it with Maddox and our new family.