Chapter One

Standing in the crowd, I waited for the king Alpha to return. As the pack waited, Ex Alpha Maddox and Ex Luna Cartier couldn't be more excited to finally see their son again. I couldn't wait to see my second best friend. Miles was twelve when his parent shipped him off to see Alpha Trex for training. After he left, I became great friends with his sister, Ariel. His parents saved me from a rouge attack in Maryland where my old home was. My father and mother died trying to save what little pack we had. But I was the only survivor. Since I was little I could remember, Cartier, Miles mother and Luna, helping me get through it. Since went through a similar tragedy where her pack got destroyed by rouges.

But I'm now twenty one and still waiting for my mate. After miles turned sixteen his parents stepped down after he proved to them he could run a pack. Rumors spreed throughout the pack that he was more ruthless than Maddox was. Maddox now couldn't harm a fly.

A small black suv pulled into the driveway and the crowd started cheering. I held onto Ariel as I awaited for Miles. Last time we spoke we were twelve and he was saying goodbye. He gave me a small pendant necklace with a heart on it. It was pure gold. He promised to come back to me and share more friendly moments with me and never forget me.

As I waited I thought about what I looked like back than to now. My blonde hair reached to my mid back and flowed straight. My ocean blue eyes looked at the car with anxiousness. The car finally stopped in front of us and the door opened.

Suddenly, a wave of woodsy scent hit my nose and my wolf begged to follow it more. My heart started racing and I saw a Carolina boot step into the ground from the car. My breath hitched suddenly as Miles dark gray eyes were mere inches from my face.

MATE! My wolf screamed with excitement.

Miles looked me over with satisfaction and happiness. His parent and Ariel looked at us with shock along with the pack. His hands reached out and gripped my hips pulling me into him. He than did what I never thought he would do. He leaned in and kissed me. Sparks flew through my body as his skin touched mine. His lips felt perfect on mine as I eagerly kissed him back. On their own accord my hands rustled in his black hair. He stood at 5'8 and I was merely at 5'3.

He pulled away as I looked at him shocked. I still couldn't comprehend he was my mate. My best friend. Ariel shrieked with happiness and hugged her brother. Miles shook his father's hand and nodded to him. He than looked at his mother and gave her a long hug. All the while I still stood there in shock. I couldn't speak.

"Good to finally have you home son." Miles nodded and than looked at his pack. He eyes roamed the crowd until it landed on Freddy, his beta.

Freddy is very tall, standing at 6'3 with brown hair and a beard. Ariel and Freddy were extremely close but Freddy always treated her like a sister as well. Freddy nodded and walked closer giving Miles their brotherly hug. My eyes still couldn't leave Miles. His muscles were humorous, but he looked fine as hell. With jeans and a T-shirt, he definitely looked hotter than any other guy here.

"Freddy, meet me in the office for a meeting. We have a lot to discuss. Ariel, meet me there as well." Miles continued his way through the crowd toward the pack house. Ariel scrolled over toward me with a questioning look.

"Are you okay?" She asked with concern.

"Yeah. I'm okay. I'm going to go work out. I'll speak with you later." She nodded as I headed toward the training hall outside of the pack house. It had its own building and is completely full of equipment. I could feel eyes on me from the pack but also from him. I shrugged it off and continued toward the hall.