Chapter Five

Ava's Pov:

There was so much tension around when Miles stood in the room with me. So much hatred for what he did wasn't going away easily. As I walked around the pack house, Miles continued to stay away and hangout with the new oracle. I never understood them and their visions. They think they control the future and control people with fear of it. But it won't happen with me.

I stood in the training field with Freddy. As we observed the pack training, Freddy rambled on about how Miles hasn't been himself since the oracle has been here.

"Ava, is there anything I can do? I don't want you unhappy around here. He shouldn't be like this toward you." Freddy's hand rested on my shoulder as he looked at me with concern.

"I'll be fine, Fred. Besides this oracle isn't stopping me from being me. So why exactly is she here?"

"The oracle told him there will be war on this pack." I looked at him with confusion and discomfort.

"This is why I hate oracles, Fred. They don't know their place and spark fear in people who don't need to know their futures. Especially when there won't be a war." Anger surged through me as I looked around. Ariel seemed busy with another girl trying to  figure out how to kick a moving target but seemingly falling on her butt every time.

I suddenly felt him behind us with the oracle.

"Ava." Saying my name made my wolf purr but made me angrier. I turned around to see him. Dark circles lay underneath his eyes. The light in his eyes faded away.

"Yes?" Freddy answered and stood in front of me protecting me.

"Gara is here to speak to you alone." I nodded. I looked at Freddy and gave him a nod letting him know it's okay. Miles and Freddy walked away as Gara stood there looking at me.

"Ava, I know you disagree of what I can do. But I can help you with your powers. I know what you can do. Just have to trust me. I don't mean your pack any harm at all." I nodded.

"Look, I don't agree with what you do. But I don't completely understand what I can do. I do need help." She smiled. The tension in the area seemed to die down a lot.

"Ava, the powers you conceal opened the minute you found your mate. Once you found Miles, a ripple effect happened that gave me a vision. It showed me that you destroyed millions of rouges and ended a war. You destroyed the rouge king." I saw a glint of truth in her eyes as she told me what she saw. As I stood there I could tell Miles and Freddy were silently listening without being too close.

"Gara, can we talk more later? I need to speak with Miles in his office." She nodded and gave me a hug. I turned around and walked to the pack house and went to his office.

As I sat down in the chair waiting for Miles I thought about what Gara said. I had hope I could control my powers and one day save the pack as any threat made their way. But I couldn't do it without him. Something inside me needed him. Craved for him. But I wouldn't keep pushing unless he wanted me too.

Miles opened the door and his scent filled the room. He seemed nervous, almost afraid of what I would say.

"Miles, I need to know if we will ever be something. I want to help you save this pack. Defend it. But I want to with you." I stood up and stood close to him. As his eyes looked at me I could tell he was fighting the urge to be closer. The grey poles swirled around with anger and hurt but also love.

"I know Gara is here to save the pack to. If you want her here I understand. I can leave if that's what you want." He shook his head and his hand grabbed mine bring me closer to him.

"No Ava. Your not going anywhere without me. I just wanted to save my pack. I thought I could without you. But your so so beautiful. I crave you so much everywhere I go. I just want to be with you. See your smile." My heart swelled up with love and adoration. He slowly leaned in and his lips touched mine. Sparks filled my body as it spreeds warmth throughout me. My lips craved more as my body pushed to be closer. His hands grabbed my hips pushing me into the wall. His body pushed against mine as his hands ran through my hair pulling it slightly.

Suddenly the door flung open with Freddy and Ariel standing in the door way with shocked expressions. Miles and I pulled apart as we gathered more air.

"Um, what's going on?" Ariel shrieked.

"We were just talking." Miles quickly answered. He seemed closed off again. Quickly hiding his emotions again.

"Well....okay than. Anyway, there's someone here to meet you, Ava." Freddy and Ariel smiled with anxiousness. I nodded and walked out the office going down the stairs toward the door.

Who I saw wasn't what I expected to ever see again.

"Ryan." I whispered. I stood in shock.

"Hello Ava." His voice Sent goosebumps down my spine. My foot seemed to step back as I tried to gather what was going on.

Ryan used to be in my old pack. My old pack that perished and never would come back. My father told me Ryan was training in the field when rouges attacked. I assumed he was the first to die. A tear escaped running down my cheek remembering those times.

"What are you doing here? How are you here?" My voice cracked as I still whispered. Miles, Freddy and Ariel stood behind me watching what was going on.

Miles embraced me wiping the tear away.

"Ava, I know what happened. It's impossible. But I got away. I ran as fast as I could. I knew I couldn't help and I didn't want to die." Ryan's body shook with fear and all I could do was look at with him sadness.

"I came here once I knew you were safe. Than I had a dream where you defeated the rouges. The same ones that attacked us. The moon goddess visited me. Telling me I am a guardian for you. That I am supposed to teach you how to use your gifts. Teach you what your mother knew." I shook my head with confusion. I couldn't believe what he is saying. I pushed Miles away from me and ran out the pack house. My body took me to the woods and I kept running.