To Hell With Those...!

It's Thursday, April 21st, 2022.

Another fucking sleepless night. It took me all night to read all these books... I loved them all! I had to put them in my collection... This may or may not be shocking to you, but all the books I read are all lesbian-themed books. Some of it made me cry, and few made me horny, and one almost made me vomit and threw the book away. I looked at the clock right now, telling me that it's already seven in the morning. This was going to be the worst sleepless day yet...

I was currently in class... at 7:00am. I left the door open if others wanted to go in. I sincerely couldn't believe my teacher entrusted me with these keys... I would give these to her once I graduate since she will be my professor for three more years. God, I hated the thought of being to school for three endless years! Well, look at that. Someone decided to be here early. Should have guessed it was Anastasia...

I hated to say this, but we ended up chatting a lot longer than I had imagined being, and I was tired. Just typing, typing some more words like gorgeous and fun here, leaned onto Alexie's shoulder, and took a nap. I'll wake up when the break was here since Alexie was at school today. I felt terrible for not sleeping yesterday. Today was surprisingly not what I expected it to be. One, a gorgeous person, Anasthasia (I'll call her Athy from now on), has arrived. Two, Alexie was being Alexie (just dumbstruck about Athy), and so was I, secretly, of course. I doubt that would progress anytime soon or maybe even never.

I was amused by how Alexie could go on and talk about Athy in such an affectionate way. Did she even know that Athy swings both or the other way? I didn't think so after Alexie said, "Too bad, she doesn't swing our way." That was the second time I heard her say it. The first time was another woman, let's call her, Sammy, and Alexei said those words. And you know what happened? Sammy swung both ways. Because she was just hiding in the closet until Sammy finally decided to out herself. Well, that didn't make Alexie any happier because Sammy was already in a relationship before she revealed her sexuality. Alexie sadly had to move on and immediately found a date. I didn't need to tell or remind her of that incident. No way.

Oh, to my demise. I forgot I agreed to attend a party today. I completely forgot. Fuck. It was planned three weeks ago, couldn't blame me for disremembering. I thank my google reminder for reminding me that I had to go to this bullshit party. It was meaningless now. Now that my company was at its peak, I was currently taking my vacation to the fullest (except for dealing with major projects and problems my company seems to blow at me).

Ok. It's 9pm, and I'm at the party... I think I would just go home after an hour passed by and drive home. Of course, I wouldn't be drinking. I would only drink oolong tea...

I may or may not have collapsed after...




It was now Friday in the afternoon, 3:00pm. The school wasn't open today because our teacher called it off. Thank god for that! I still coundn't believe I passed out last night. I thought I could handle it for one more day. Guess I underestimated my body. I remember being at the party, then saw Anastasia with her group of friends who invited me to the party... Yeah, many people asked me to go to the party. I guessed they wanted some entertainment – too bad for them. Then, I woke up in an unfamiliar room at around 4am half-naked with a woman in the bathroom... How did I know it's a woman? Not so sure myself. But, it sure was awfully cliché. Whoever that was, I am so sorry for intruding. However, I wanted to go sleep my ass off than to pleasure you or something close to that line.

I didn't think that we were also neighbours... it was a horrifying fact. I didn't want to be rude or anything, so I left a note. Then I went back to my condo; I slept like a log and woke up just an hour ago! I wasn't expecting myself so sell my ten hours of my life in Lalaland. Not that I did, it doesn't matter though. I dreamt of a dreamless dream anyway.

And so, here we are at 3:00pm sitting in the living room, alone, watching Netflix's new films and re-watched "no game no life zero," and I cried a lot. Damn. I cried a lot. I don't know if it was the movie or my depression, but damn, that also made my pillow shed tears.

Look at what we have here... A little after watching everything in less than three hours, I heard a knock at my door. There stood a woman close to my age, maybe older, holding a box full of food. I could guess that she was either Japanese or Korean. They would typically do that to their neighbours. I saw her widening her eyes as if she knew me. Ohhh no... Why did you have to be Korean, my neighbour, and gay? She introduced herself as Soo Min Park; she preferred being called Quinn. She had the beauty of a model with long, wavy brunette hair. Quinn was what you could call the 'chapstick' type. Fuck, I didn't even know why I said that.

I let her in, entertained her for a good twenty minutes, now at 7:00 pm, fuck me for being an asshole, I shooed her away. I needed to move out soon... Goddamn it. Then, my phone was bombarded with errors and messages from work about a hacker and employers quitting. My brother-in-law and Alexie were panicking and needed me to help. Goddamn it.

Mindfulness App, please calm my mind and put me to sleep. Breka, serve me a large caramel macchiato with three extra shots of espresso tomorrow. Someone, anyone, please put this mind to tranquility. I need to prepare and put my depression to the side for a while.


Hello, my little devil, come and provide me with hell a lot of work tomorrow. I'm so (not) ready!




I currently took one-week-off from school and to hell with this problem.

Now was the time to swear a whole fucking lot.

Bear with me.

I hated the fact that I kept on doing this undercover shit that I fucking made.

I just so hated these managers and these head-fuckin-chiefs ordering my precious, little employees of mine around. Whoever hired/promoted them must be fired and replaced immediately. These motherfuckers were such an asshole for fucking their way in here.

These fucking fucker's fucked!

New rules here!

1. Check the applicants' family background. If their child or children are not some fucking bitches nor motherfucking assholes, and their kind (at least pretending to be, while being a top notch bitch on the inside), then for fuck's sake, fuck me and hire those men and women in my company.

2. If the applicants are single, check their history (social media) the past 2-5 years to know if they were bitches.

3. We all fucking know we fucked up when we were teenagers. Let's discard that dark history of ourselves and recognize them for what they are now and the right changes they had made for themselves.

4. I hated the fact I had to make all of these rules, so I gave them all to my lovely, Alexie, who was (not) happy to receive them. I may add a bit more when I finally put myself together and work full-time.

To hell with those motherfuckers!