Chapter 292 The belief of Beidou

The concentration of the ACG world's force? What an interesting new word. Zhou Yu could not help but think that if the concentration in the real world was off the chart, would the real world become the ACG world as well? Zhou Yu himself did not really mind it. Actually, if he could become a citizen of the ACG world, it was probably not a bad idea. But what would happen to other people?

In another word, apart from having some strange ACG world creatures growing on the regular people, would there be other effects? If the time he got the Eyes of The ACG World was the time the crack was reopened, then it would be several years already. However, the villagers of Luhua have been breathing in the air that had a high concentration of the ACG world's force for so long, but nothing seemed to have happened, let alone mutated.

There shouldn't be any problems, right?