Chapter 293 The Last Cooperation

The position of an agent of a management company in The ACG World was very high. Even for a junk agent, the worst choice would only be to establish a management company in a kingdom or a metropolitan-level city. The general cities were simply not qualified to invite them. If Zhou Yu had to find one, Luhua city could be considered to be qualified for inviting them. After all, they had already built a building of wonder.

However, this was just a minimum requirement.

Beidou was a management company that had a long history. It was because of various reasons that they had been suppressed and became a run-down company, and then was taken over by Xia Huan this young man. Xia Huan's ability was definitely not weak. Although it was difficult in the early stage, he quickly gathered a group of very capable people. Together with Zhou Yu's help, he quickly rescued Beidou from the edge of bankruptcy.