Chapter 55 I Had Little Constipation

At this critical moment, no one else could be counted on, I still had to do it myself...

I sat down and held Kangkang on my lap while pointing to Mo Fei with a smile, I said, "Kangkang, didn't you say that only an ugly, old hag would eat people, but a mysterious witch like the beautiful elder sister, flies through the skies with a broom? Which one do you think she looks like?"

The truth was, Kangkang never said this. She only said that the old hag was sinister and cruel, and who liked to eat people. I slightly twisted what she had said, so it was half true and half false. Fortunately, although the little girl was still very naive, there was no problem with her aesthetic standard, "beautiful witch sister!"

"Yes, so how can she eat people?"