Chapter 56 Mo Fei and Liusu

"And you are off today as well, right?" Mo Fei said another useless sentence.

She clearly knew it, but she had to prevent that she did not know. This made me feel even more nervous. It even made my laugh become very awkward, too, "Feifei, what are you trying to say?"

"I mean, we're friends, aren't we?"

Goddammit, can you stop beating around the bush? I walked into the bathroom and looked in the mirror to make some final adjustments to my outfit, "yeah, we're friends, so can you stop beating around the bush? Feifei, I need to go out soon."

"Where to? The amusement park?"

"Yes, I told you yesterday that I want to take Kangkang out to play..." I could help but wonder if the reason she called me was... No, that can't be right. She clearly doesn't have feelings for me.

Though Mo Fei tried to sound casual, her tremulous voice betrayed her, "wouldn't it be inconvenient for just one man to look after a little girl?"