Chapter 75 She Is Mine, No One Can Take Her Away

"You did! You kiss-" Liusu suddenly stopped, and then both of us were dazed. Obviously, she was referring to the kiss that night. But... even if it was that thing, it was she molesting me, and I should be the victim, right?

My heartbeat accelerated rapidly, the focus of my eyes involuntarily gathered on the two thin lips of Liusu. Remembering the soft touch of the sweet taste, I could not help swallowing.

"Nannan, let, let's have a barbecue together after work," Liusu hurriedly shifted the subject, but her invitation made me think more, and when she saw the ambiguous expression on my face, she waved her hand in a hurry and said, "Don't get the wrong idea, just eat barbecue, no drinking."