Chapter 76 I Can Lend You Money

What I said was true. This was not just a small amount of money, once something went wrong, I would need to spend the rest of my life in jail. It was just because I suddenly remembered something that I mentioned this, "Of course, there are two other ways..."

Mo Fei's expression eased a bit, and she asked quickly, "What are they?"

"Go to your uncle-"

"No!" I was interrupted by Mo Fei before I could even finish speaking. "I understand my uncle's temper too well. If I ask him, he will definitely pay off the debt for my mother, then he will never allow me to contact her in the future."

I smiled bitterly, "You don't have to be so honest, You can just say that you need it for yourself."

"Then I will be lying to him," Mo Fei said resolutely, "He treats me like his own daughter, I can't do this to him. Chu Nan, please don't say something like this. Okay?"