Chapter 78 The Kiss Replayed

"Occasionally. Mr. Sang, I don't know if you can do me a favor and wait for two more days?"

Mo Fei was anxious and she secretly put her hand behind me and pinched my waist. Of course I understood what she was thinking. In two days, unless we combined our savings together, otherwise, we would not be able to get enough money to pay him back. But I was not worried because I knew that Sang Yingjie would definitely take the initiative to give me at least one month's time.

Sure enough, Sang Yingjie frowned for a moment, then smiled, "Mr. Chu, what are you talking about? Since you are tight with money, I have no problem waiting for another month. Just consider this a gesture of goodwill. After all, I like to make friends with people like Mr. Chu. Haha."