Chapter 79 Instinct?

"Thank you so much for what you did today, bye." Before Mo Fei quickly stepped out of the elevator, she didn't even forget to help me press the button for the first floor.

I looked like a silly guy staring stupidly at the red shy face that was one step away, and it took my soul a while to finally return to my body. "Wait!"

Are you kidding me? If she just left like that, my heart would be torn apart by complex feelings. At least, she had to tell me why she kissed me, right? Unfortunately, the elevator doors were closed, but before the door closed, I clearly saw Mo Fei turn around and ran away like a shy little girl and a frightened little rabbit…

Touching my chest, I felt that my heart was beating fast and powerfully. I really wanted to shout, "can somebody tell me why she is doing this!"