Chapter 80 This Misunderstanding Is A Bit Huge

"Good memories? I was studying at a police academy. All I had were horrible memories. I only had backache and leg cramps in my memory." Dong Xiaoye bit off a huge chunk of meat from the chicken leg like a tiger, but chewed it very gracefully, then suddenly she eased her tone and chuckled, "the taste of this roasted chicken leg is actually much worse than it was in the past."

"Huh?" I was confused, "didn't you say that you were studying at a police academy?"


"Then how did you know that this roasted chicken leg is much worse than it was in the past?"

Dong Xiaoye's warm expression immediately dimmed a lot, and her smile seemed to be frozen for a moment.

"My elder sister graduated from this university," the soft voice made me question if this was really the voice coming from her mouth. This was too gentle.