Chapter 97 Who Is Whose Hello Kitty?

Chu Yuan lifted her kitty cat and tapped my curled legs impatiently, "The front is too close to the TV, it is not good for my eyes."

"Nonsense, then why do you always lie prone to watch the TV?" I leaned on the side of the sofa, like a warrior who was holding on to the position that was attacked by the enemy, and said with determination, "You just want to sit comfortably yourself, right? I am telling you, no way. I sat here first!"

I was quite speechless by my own childish behavior…

Sure enough, Chu Yuan stomped her feet in frustration and said, "You...You are the elder brother, you should humor the younger sister!"

Bratty girl, you only admit that I am your elder brother when you want to take advantage of it?

"I already did," I pointed to the half of the sofa that was vacant in front of her, "you can sit there, it's okay, I don't mind you blocking the TV."