Chapter 98 Little Nosy Parker

Chu Yuan slowly said: "If you are not interested in her, how can you forgive her so easily after what she asked Lv Siqi to do to you? Lv Siqi and Tu Lei almost hurt you. Also, when Sister Booby and I were in the room last night, didn't you two also have a great conversation in the living room? You, you... actually hugged each other."

That's her trying to prank me! But before I was able to explain, Chu Yuan's tone suddenly changed. As an ambiguous smile appeared in the corner of her mouth, she suddenly poked my chest with her elbow, whispered: "Brother, do you think she looks pretty and cute, so have a crush on her?"

Is she trying to test me? I felt that Chu Yuan was a bit strange today. Would she laugh at me if she suspected that I had had a crush on Dongfang Lianren? It would be a miracle if she didn't want to kill me! This is definitely a test! There is definitely a dagger behind this bratty girl's smile!