Chapter 149 Feeling reluctant to give up is the real break-up

I was not a person who liked to lie, because I really didn't bother to weave more lies to keep covering up. Being exposed by Mo Fei in front of me made me angry.

Why the hell was I lying?! Was it because I like to?!

Complex and incomprehensible anger dominated my rationality. I pressed both hands on the table and leaned forward. In order to hide my nervousness and keep my voice from trembling, I tried my best to suppress my voice and asked in a deep voice, "I only said half of the truth, but Mo Fei, how honest are you? Yes, I lied to you, but what about you? I dare you to say that you never lied to me? !"

When Mo Fei heard this, the panic and timidity on her face were immediately replaced by great confidence, "I never lied to you!"