Chapter 150 Try Out New Phone

Elder sister Liu was a soft-hearted person. Seeing me eating the oil-soaked rice, she felt very bad. After hearing my sweet words, how would she stick up for Liusu?

"Look at Chu Nan. He is still not complaining about you? You bratty girl needs to stop throwing a tantrum."

This trick worked!

Liusu didn't expect that I would really eat it, looking at me with a guilty expression. After she heard what elder sister Liu said, she blushed and hurriedly got up and grabbed my bowl.

After passing me the orange juice that elder sister Liu had just poured her to me, she said in guilt and anger, "Are you dumb! How can you eat it like this? Drink this quickly and flush the greasy tease out!"

After all, she still cared about me. I took the cup and took two sips and laughed: "If I don't eat it, you won't stop being angry at me. So I can only do this."