Chapter 260 The Second Battle Between Dong Xiaoye And Mo Fei

 "Who are you to him? Who gives you the right to talk to him in this kind of attitude?"

Dong Xiaoye blushed, glared at me, and then said to Mo Fei confidently, "I'm his friend and Cheng Liusu's friend. So what's wrong with my attitude? I even want to scold him and beat him! I am telling you, even Cheng Liusu would not hold me back!"

"I am her friend too, so you are not allowed to talk to him like that!" Using Dong Xiaoye's words to fight against Dong Xiaoye, Mo Fei was very smart. Dong Xiaoye was instantly reduced to silence.

But Sister Tiger was not an ordinary girl. She would not give up easily. She contemptuously said, "Friend? I think you want to be his girlfriend. Huh!"