Chapter 261 A Fake Loyal Friend And A Temptress Superior

Because of my soft heart, I silently agreed to Mo Fei's request and indulged her to become my girlfriend tonight. Therefore, the questions of Liusu made me feel very guilty. "Yes, of course, it's acting. Otherwise, do you really think she would throw herself at me and be my real girlfriend?"

With a deep sense of guilt, I said those words. However, whether what I said was true and false, I also couldn't distinguish it myself. . .

Hearing I answered like this, Mo Fei's gaze was even more pitiful, but Dong Xiaoye sighed softly. After all, this could be considered an indirect answer to her question.

"I thought so. But my cousin didn't believe me. She forced me to call you and check if you would lie to me or not. Haha, see, I told you he wouldn't lie to me. Do you believe me now?"