Chapter 276 Boar And Tiger

When the green light was on, Dong Xiaoye shifted gear and stepped on the gas. The car was like an arrow shooting out from the string, swished through the intersection, and arrived at the gate of my community in a moment. I felt like she was deliberately driving that fast.

After I thanked her and bade farewell to her, I pushed the door open and got out of the car. It was at this moment, she suddenly called me, "Little Chu!"


Dong Xiaoye also got out of the car and stood on the other side of the car. Seeing me looking back at her, her little face flushed from alcohol seemed to be even redder. Her eyes flashed with strange light and she quickly avoided my gaze, "It... it might be difficult for you to get upstairs because of your injury. I think it is better for me to help you."